Chapter 21

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After assuring the doctors that Liam would be fine, they could finally check out and go home.
All of them, except for Liam, didn't sleep a bit the last night, because they were worrying if they had made the right decision.

The car ride was silent until Liam cursed. "Shit, I would've had Psychology class today!"

"Don't worry. I'm sure Mrs. Fellon will understand, she's nice." Louis answered shortly before the car fell silent again.

Finally, they arrived at Liam's flat. It was basically home for all of the four. Niall was staying permanently and Louis and Harry most of the time sleeping on the couches.

Like all the times before, when they came into the flat, they had no idea of what to do. They all just put their shoes and jackets off.
"Is anyone hungry? I'm making lasagna."

Harry earned two yes and one no, obviously coming from Liam.
But the cooking was stopped anyways because the fridge was empty.

Surprisingly, Harry then could convince Liam to go grocery shopping with him. As they had written down all the things they needed, or Niall had wished for, they made their way to the car.

After Harry had started the engine, he was concentrated to get out of the parking garage while Liam was staring at nothing outside.

"And? How're you?" The question came surprisingly and Liam looked at Harry confused.
"Did you say something? Sorry, wasn't listening."
"I asked about your well-being. And about the truth." Harry actually wanted to leave the second part since it was a very sensitive subject.

Things as suicide or "just" the thoughts of it were just a taboo topic and as soon as it came up, everyone got all awkward and uncomfortable. Even if it was one of the most important things, weird.
Society was so weird.

"What do you mean Harold? You are talking in riddles."

"I asked about the things that have happened yesterday. Be honest." Harry muttered rather quietly.

"Harry, really. I don't wanna talk about it." Liam huffed and stared out of the window, like there was something really exciting out there.

"You know that at home, Louis will start a discussion about it? And you know how he can be if he's upset. I just want to warn you, yeah?"

Liam nodded, he really wanted to avoid that conversation but he knew as long as he was still alive Louis would somehow manage to ask him.

As the car stopped, Liam realized they had arrived at the supermarket. The ride was actually just a few minutes but it had felt like forever since the vibe had been...quite weird.

After taking one of the trolleys, they started wandering through the courses between the shelves.

They had to stop at nearly every shelve since Niall literally had wanted the whole supermarket.

Soon, a familiar voice was heard. "Oh, good evening Mr. Payne and Mr. uh... Styles."
As Liam looked to his left, Mrs. Fellon, his Psychology teacher was standing there. Wow, perfect timing, exactly on the day Liam couldn't appear in the class and basically skipped, which he never really did in her lectures.

"I actually wanted to ask you next week anyways, but now that I see you here, is everything alright? You weren't at the lecture today."
She smiled nicely, she really treated their students like colleagues. Well, she also wasn't very much over their age so the students didn't really mind.

"Well um...yea so..I'm sorry. But something intervened." Normally Harry was the one talking slowly and stuff but now Liam was the one stuttering some non-sense.

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