Chapter 19

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Liam got up, he had to head to school and he didn't get a wink of sleep that night, just like the nights before.

After he had driven to school and walked into Mrs. Fellon's class again, he settled down on his usual seat and laid his head onto the cold table.
The class had started and Liam was dozing off, he was fighting against it but he was feeling extremely dizzy and he had to keep his eyes closed, otherwise he feared to pass out.

"Mr. Payne?"
Liam snapped out of his doze and opened his eyes fast.
The dizziness again crept over him and his eyes turned back.
He could hear a few gasps in the class and Josh next to him, holding him to prevent him from falling back.

In a matter of seconds, fortunately Liam regained his consciousness.
As he opened his eyes, the whole class was staring at him and Mrs. Fellon slowly spoke: "Everyone, you are dismissed, please go home and look up the notes on the school's website."

After the class had swarmed out way faster than usual, Mrs. Fellon came up to Liam.
Josh was still holding him for support but as she told him that he could leave, he rubbed Liam's back and left with a concerned look in his eyes.

"How are you doing right now? Should I take you to the hospital?"

"No, um I'm fine thanks...I just got some issues sleeping last days."

"Passing out is not a result of that but should go to the pharmacy and get a receipt for sleeping pills. Just an advice because you should get some sleep."

Liam nodded slowly and stood up, mumbling a quick thanks.
Mrs. Fellon was looking at him cautiously and was watching so he wouldn't lose consciousness again.

After he had left the classroom, he almost bumped into Harry.
"What are you doing here 30 minutes after your lecture has started?" He was looking at Liam questionably.

"So, um I fell asleep so we could all go home..." Liam was looking down since he was a horrible liar.

"You probably don't even believe that miserable lie yourself, do you? Now tell me what has happened because you look dreadful."

"Maybe..there is a possibility that..probably I passed out for a matter of seconds. But it's fine, they all just overreacting!"

Harry looked at Liam in disbelief and pulled him to the exit a second later.
"We are going home right now! You come and eat something with me right the hell now!"

On the ride home, Liam kept his eyes shut. He didn't feel the best which was probably caused by the lack of sleep and food.
"Li, don't even try to hide it, I can see that you are feeling miserable."

Liam just nodded weakly and told Harry to quickly stop at the pharmacy.
He wanted to follow his teacher's advice and went into the pharmacy to grab some sleeping pills.

After filling out a receipt and signed a paper to not misuse the pills for anything else than intaking the normal dose, he made it back to Harry's car and they drove off home.

There Harry made Liam a warm meal, while he was laying on the couch still feeling like he could pass out any second.

Harry came to check on him every two minutes and as the meal was ready, he settled next to Liam.
He controlled every single movement Liam was making and waited until he had finished everything.

Then he let Liam go to sleep on the couch while leaving to pick up Louis and Niall from uni, since that was the initial reason he had been there earlier.

In the meantime Liam looked at the description of the pills.
"1-2 pills before going to sleep.
Warning: An overdose or abuse of this medication could lead to serious consequences or death!

Liam smiled at the description, and it was a horrifying, sickening smile.

Wasn't this all he had wished for all these times? To sleep forever?

He had already decided as he made himself a glass of water.

While pouring out half of the whole box, he quickly sent a quick message and a "Love you" to his family and to his friends.
Just in case...
...he wouldn't wake up again.

And followed by that he swallowed the sleeping pills each by each with water.

As he laid there, a smile dancing on his lips, he could feel how his eye lids slowly got heavier and everything went black.

I'll Follow You    -Ziam MayneWhere stories live. Discover now