4 - Get to know you

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For once I didn't know what to do because the toxic fans and comments were everywhere and I know I wont be able to answer every of them and proving them wrong and the more I'll do the more it seems to be but I'd really like to defend karma everywhere I can since I think I really changed someones mind only trough one comment. This night was different. I've never been less tired even thought I'd rather sleep I can't help but ghosting on youtube without a clue. Adding random videos on my watch-later list knowing I'll probably never have a second look at them. Also I can't see some other people there trying to be cool what only makes them less interesting. Even If they are food bloggers I can't help but compare them with Karma. Karma is cool. Cooler than anyone and he doesn't even want to be so cool It's natural that he's such a cool, cool person and I want to hear his cool voice again telling me things I don't know already. But all he's been doing for the last weeks was posting those pictures that always made me feel like hoping they'll suddenly move and Karma would laugh at the camera and saying "Gotcha!" also it feels like he's someone different without his gesticulation and face expressions. When he's moving and talking to 'us' he feels so much closer and even cooler. Cool was the first word that would always come to my mind thinking about Karma but I guess that's normal since he's kind of the definition of cool. Because of this Instagram stuff he was a little inactive on youtube and slowly got away from his standard content and I feel like he realised that too and now it's like everyone is holding their breath and is waiting for him to make a move. But maybe this move will never happen and he's off the screen forever and I'd have to find something else I can put my whole passion in but I can't imagine finding someone like Karma and I'm sure he'll come back. Realising I'm overthinking everything again I turned on my PC and as youtube didn't work out I looked for something else to distract me. 

 a twitch notification showed up in the corner of my screen.

I clicked fast since I only subscribed Karma himself but knowing that I can't actually be him because It was pretty late. It was loading a second but after that the name appeared.

the.KARMAgame is live now

Reading that name I remembered the small twitch account I found yesterday but I couldn't remember subscribing him. He seemed nice and open minded but when I entered the stream there was no game only a dark red background and like 4 viewers that disappeared quickly and I was about to leave too when a voice made them self felt. "Hey man do you mind staying?", It was the same calming, high, male voice I heard yesterday and maybe that was also why I changed my mind and typed 'I don't mind. What's up?' in the chat.  "Eh cool you actually did. uhh welcome to my stream I guess. Should we have a little talk or do you want to leave after saying hello?" the voice said and I tried to imagine his face. Maybe I wanted get to know him a little so if Karma would really leave a sort of a friend couldn't be wrong. That's why I answered quick 'Heh I'm bored anyways and you seemed kinda cool yesterday. If you want to we can talk a bit'

He probably  read my reply and I think I heard him chuckle. "Naw thanks but uh before we get started... do you mind coming in the stream since none can enter anymore and it feels weird to talk with a chat. Oh but you don't have to. I think it just would be way better, wouldn't it?" the streamer asked me. I was still thinking about an answer when a new notification showed up.

the.KARMAgame invited you to join their stream

I turned my front camera of and joined without a second thought.


"Hello again can't believe you're really joining" 

I was listening the silence waiting for an answer.

"Er hello?" a pretty voice answered. I don't know but a picture of a tall girl with messy hair, and a doll face appeared in my head. "Can you even hear me? I never joined a stream before" the voice spoke up again. "Uh yes I can sorry I was just spacing out" Was it inappropriate to ask for her name? "Hey do you mind tell me your name?" I asked and tried to make sure she doesn't have to. "No I don't it's Nagisa now do you mind telling me yours as well?"

Nagisa. Nagisa was a really pretty name and also kinda fits with my idea of her. I don't know if I can tell her who I am since she'll probably freak out and tell everyone so at first I have to make sure she won't. "Why should I? I am Alex and I really think that's a lovely name of yours" I don't know why I choose the name it just came up in my head. Hopefully I didn't confuse her with that compliment I was just trying to be nice and It seemed like she got that too. "Heh thanks I guess but I don't really like it since I causes some misunderstandings sometimes" I wondered which misunderstandings she could mean but I guess she wanted me to ask, did she? Ugh girls are so weird they give you signs and want you to do things without telling you what those things are. Pretty strenuous. But I'll ask anyways "What misunderstandings do you mean? Does nagisa have a weird meaning or something like that?" 

The answer came real quick. "No I don't think so it's more like... for example people often misgender me and as nagisa is a neutral name It isn't really helpful thought my appearance is already .. enough I guess" she ended and left me In surprise. My idea of her changed and now I saw a brown haired boyish girl with a few piercings and glasses. "Okay I'm sorry but I kinda want to understand why. Well do you think you could turn your front camera on just a second? You really don't have to but after this i'd like to see you" Ugh that was dumb. Of course she wont- "Sure I trust you okay?" she said and turned her front camera on.

(1284 words)

ARRGGGGG I'm the worst author EVER

me saying I want to update this was an empty promise and my English is terrible compared with some other fan fictions help. I'm terrible when it comes to time phrases.

Anyways. Karma is like Dream in this story (do you even know dream? And if you do do you know Dreamnotfound? Heh they're so freaking cute and It's also one of my OTPs ) Just that he started wit IG at some point and turned out like he's a celebrity and less like a gamer and streamer. Oh talking 'bout streaming. MY APOLOGIESSS! As you probably noticed I don't know ANYTHING about twitch and stuff like that.

Who cares? Thank you for 100 views It makes me really happy heh vorallem wenn dieser deutsche karmagisa fan diese mega fancy Kommentare schreibt..JUNGGGHE wie? verdiene? ich? das?

eh and of course this story is no female nagisa story Karma's just dumb as hell.

I'll probably gonna write another chapter today but I learned not to swear when It comes to updates because you should NEVER tRuSt An WaTtPaD aUtHoR! Okay?!

but maybe see you next chapter since I will continue this no matter what.

Have a good day, a nice week, a fancy (pride) month and please don't die

heh thanks ;)) and bye


(1499 words by now)

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