7 - New air

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Time skip to next weeks Monday


Something was weird today. Just getting started with the tension during breakfast with my mom. She asked me about my plans for the day and seemed interested all the time. Mostly she's tired at such a time. When I got outside to hurry for my bus I felt a fresh breeze and even the bus driver looked a little less stressed than usually. All of that was uncommon but it was my friend Kaede who made me realise. "Hi, Nagisa!", she also was smiling very bright for a Monday morning, "Spring is in the air! How cool is that?"

Spring. Yes, this feels like spring and especially smells like it too. "How cliche", I thought to my self with a chuckle. The day went by and I started to realize how much I missed the warmth of the sun being the one to warm you up, other than blankets and staying inside. When Kaede and I went back home, she recommended getting some ice cream to celebrate the unofficial beginning of spring and even payed for us both. We talked about different stuff like the upcoming holidays or the class test we just wrote but mostly she talked about Karmas break and how confused she was. If only she knew with whom I chatted last night. Karma didn't upload since 9 days now and the Internet seemed to slowly forget even though the media just went crazy about him. The few magazines I got to see when I sat next to kaede while she was reading were all about him and the theory of him being sick or kidnapped or even dead. But he didn't seemed to care or at least that's what he told me. The past few days were full of him sending me memes and little storys from his life and mostly we ended up chatting about nonsense. We really were becoming friends and only kaedes articles reminded me that he was famous sometimes.

"Horrible, right? But people say he has been having a few interviews lately. I just wonder why you can't read them anywhere. Confusing, right? It really is. I can't help but worry about him but I don't believe that trash, he must be alright, don't you think so? Sorry, I know you're not into that stuff but it's just so exciting", Kaede kept on talking without me even needing to answer her questions. Her being worried is pretty much relatable but I was still glad to got my ice cream to eat and not to have a discussion if karma is either depressed or suicidal.

A notification. I recognize it well enough to know that Karma wasn't being kidnapped. Karma tweeted something and if I didn't already know that by kaedes notification sound I would have seen the excitement in her eyes. She quickly opened it and read it in an excited manner. I tried to sneak a peek a her phone especially when she started beginning to look disappointed.

"It's just Nakamura, his manager. It says: Guys Karmas alright and at his own house. No need to worry" she read out loud, " Isn't that a good thing?" I asked honestly confused. "Sure but why didn't he tell us himself. I'm sure that manager is a controlling, toxic bitch"
I just let her talk on knowing how hard it must be for Nakamura hearing all those lies about her. Kama told me how friendly and kind she is and that she'd never control or use him. We ate up and split at Kaedes house. I ended up at a grocery store buying the latest pop magazine which even announced an article about karma on it's cover which I was thankful for so I didn't have to flip trough all the pages.
It sure felt weird buying something like that but everybody thought I was a girl anyway. After I did some homework and cleaned my room I sunk into my bed sheets and started to read the article about Karma. 'Teen star leaving his fans- Karma Akabane (picture) what happened to him?'
The article wasn't factual at all and just described the theories which basically meant they don't know a thing. I turned
to the next page.

"...or could it be that there's someone new in his life? As Karma said in his well known QaA Series 'Askabane', he never had a girlfriend before but since our favourite teen is growing up he sure is interested in relation ships. This theory became more realistic when a fan zoomed in in one of his pictures he posted September which showed..."
Slowly I stopped focusing on the article, my eyes flew over the words. It was pointless.

I woke up thanks to my phone ringing. When did I even fell asleep?
Still confused about what time it was and why I was lying on top of a magazine I reached out for my phone to answer the call. No need to look up from whom it was.

"Hey Nagi-kun", a well known voice said.
"Oi Karma, what's up?", I replied between a yawn.
"Why so tired?", he chuckled
" I have no idea, I assume articles about you are just another level of boring"

"That's so? Since when are you interested in that stuff? And what was it about?",
Karma asked curiously
"Since when are you interested in what magazines talk about you?", I asked teasingly. " Also, I don't know what it was about. Like I said it was just too boring. I bought it because I wanted to understand your fans and my best friend but I still have no plan"

Karma laughed. "Too funny, They assume I could be dead and still complain about me not posting anything. What do you think shall I surprise them?"

A twitch window opened telling me Karma started a stream. I gasped a little but then smiled to myself. That way the first people getting content again where some originals, nice job. I heard him greeting everyone while the chat shared my reaction. 'sorry for muting you' a text said. "thanks for muting me", I muttered leaning back watching karma start his game. You wouldn't have seen it If you didn't know but there was a slight chuckle as a reaction of my comment and it just hit me. I'm friends with Karma Akabane.

Guess who's back? Me. Heheh totally forgot about this story and had this draft for forever but ngl I think I'll update it someday again. Uh and thanks for nearly 350 views, that's amazing.

Normally I'd say: "i'm going through shit lately so I might take a little break."

Well I'm fine, mentally stable like an IKEA table.

author out

1139 words

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