Fan fiction

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I sat on my bed listening to Amnesia when there was a knock at the door. I walk over and open it and greet my BFF, Kelsey. She starts screaming at me and handed me two tickets to the 5SOS concert tonight. I start screaming back and then race into my room pulling Kelsey behind me. We get to my room and start getting ready. I pick out this really cool silver top with black leggings. Kelsey picks out a red halter neck top and a pair of jeans. We hurry to get dressed and throw on heaps of make-up. I grab the car keys and jump in the car. I'm so excited that I don't even realise that I got in the passengers side. I throw Kelsey the keys and she slams the car into reverse. I take a moment to study the tickets. They were for the stage pit. I gasped and nearly passed out. WE WERE GOING TO A STAGE PIT FOR 5SOS!

Kelsey parked my car at the stadium. We were slightly early. Only 2 and a half hours. We meander up to the ticket booth and hand over our tickets. The guy serving seemed to get a kick out of seeing us arrive so early. I lead Kelsey through to the mosh pit. 5SOS were standing on stage doing sound checks and warming up. Kelsey and I look towards each other and nearly die. Calum looks up and sees us.

"Welcome ladies. Would you like a private show?" he askes. Kelsey grabs my hand and squeezes it so tight it feels like my arm is about to fall off. I stride forward, trying to look sophisticated and dignified. Kelsey still had a hold of my hand and was stumbling behind me. We reached the stage and the whole band jumped off to meet us. I nearly collapsed. I must have jolted because Luke shot out his hand and gripped my elbow, steadying me. I looked thankfully at him and then I registered that he had touched me. Visions of our wedding flashed into my head and I tried with all my might not to stare. Kelsey started giggling uncontrollably. We all looked at her for a moment while she recovered herself. Calum wrapped his hand around my waist and pulled me towards the stage. Michael ushered Kelsey after us.

"Take a seat up here ladies. As you probably know, I'm Calum. And that's Michael, Ashton and Luke," said Calum. I slid up onto the stage.

"I'm Grace. And this is Kelsey," I reply. Calum extends his hand and i take it. I assume this was for a hand shake, but he pulls me off the stage and catches me in his arms.

"Care for a tour of the complex?" he askes. I nod and stand up properly. "OK. Follow me." He walks towards the stage wings. I look back at Kelsey but she is trapped in the attention of Luke, Ashton and Michael. Calum lookes aback at me and waits for me to catch up. He leads me down a dark corridor when all of a sudden he slams me up against the wall and starts kissing me. After the initial shock, I start kissing him back. After about a minute, he pulls away.

"OK. I know this is crazy coz we've only just met but... do you... want to be my girlfriend slash roadie?" he askes, staring straight at me, biting his lip. God dam he was hot.

"Yes," I moan. I grab him and pull him back towards me. We contiue making out for a few minutes until someone shone a torch at us. We sprung away from each other. Calum grabs my hand and walks forward.

"Grace has accepted my proposal of being our roadie... And my girlfriend," he announces. The lights flicker on and the rest of the badn are standing there. Kelsey looks at me with astonishment. I also see a tiny bit of pain. I turn to Calum.

"I'll only be your roadie if Kelsey can come too," I demand. Calum looks over towards Luke, who had his arm around Kelsey's shoulder. He nods.

"Welcome to the band you two," said Calum.

I literally fainted. Best day ever.

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