A Bit Spooky...

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Kokichi and Himiko ran inside and closed the door shut,

"Good thing we made it because I had to convince you to go in this house." Kokichi looking at Himiko. "I have my reasons.." Himiko said trying to sound convincing. "Your so stubborn sometimes.." Kokichi said. They examined there surroundings. It was really and I mean really dark. Himiko hid behind Kokichi. "Hello? Is anybody home? Do you mind if we spend the night here?" Kokichi said walking into the darkness. "Kokichi stop! This place is creepy! We should go.." Himiko said trying to pull Kokichi back. Suddenly the room lit up and revealed the most beautiful room that looked like a Royal could live here.

"Wow! This looks kinda like my castle back at home!" Himiko said looking around amazed. "Wait.... C.. Castle?" Kokichi said confused "You have a castle?!?" "Oh... did I not tell you I was... a princess? Well.. um... surprise? Himiko had just remembered this whole time that she didn't even mention it once. "Y.. You can tell me the whole story later." Kokichi said "Come on, let's look for the owner of this house." "Alright let's go." Himiko said. They decided to look at the kitchen. "Hmm no one seems to be here." Kokichi said. He looked around while himiko stood there. Suddenly she saw a shodowy figure. Himiko had the goosebumps. "Himiko! Do you think the owner might be upstairs?" Kokichi asked. Nobody responded. "Himiko..?" Kokichi asked again but still no reply. He looked behind him and nobody was there.

"H.. Himiko... This isn't funny.." Kokichi said looking around. "H.. Himiko please come out." He looked around worried, 'Where would she have gone?' Kokichi thought.

Meanwhile, Himiko had been kidnapped by the shadowy figure. She tried to scream for help but it was no use because the person hand was on her mouth. She tried to kick her legs but that was also no use. She got placed in a dark room. The person let go of his hand. Himiko could finally speak. "HEY WHERE AM I?!?" She asked the figure. The room was so dark she couldn't see anything. Then a fire from a candle shone the room a bit but not quite. She could see a terrifying face staring at her. The figure had long black hair and a mask that covered the person's face. The only thing she could see was the person's yellow eyes that stared into her soul.

"W....what do you want with me?" Himiko asked the figure. "Free me...." the figure said then the candle was blown out. Himiko was terrified but didn't had the guts to scream. She just stand there, frozen with fear.

Meanwhile with Kokichi, He looked in every room downstairs but still couldn't find her. 'Did she go upstairs?' Kokichi asked himself. Suddenly the lights flickered. "Haha very funny himiko, can we stop playing games now?" The lights flickered two times. "Um... Are you himiko?" Kokichi asked. Was the lights trying to communicate with him? The lights flickered twice. Uh..do you know where himiko is? Kokichi asked the lights. The lights flickered once. "OK this is getting really creepy now..." Kokichi said. The lights turned off. Kokichi was getting creeped out now. 'This is my imagination playing tricks on me' Kokichi said closing his eyes. Then he heard a voice behind him. "Free me..." The voice said. Kokichi turned around then the lights turned on and revealed that nobody was there.

Meanwhile with himiko, she tried to look for a light switch or a an exit. She finally grasped onto a door handle and unlocked the door. She ran out of the room and the door shut behind her. 'I need to find Kokichi! Who knows if his being captured!' Himiko thought to herself. "I knew this house was haunted!" Himiko said running even faster. She stopped running for a while because she was a bit tired but she fast walked. While she was walking she saw a painting. She didn't thought much if it but it suddenly blinked at her. "Nyeh?!" She said shocked. She rubbed her eyes in confusion. Well she didn't care about that, she needed to find Kokichi... and fast.

Himiko fast walked and found Kokichi, she ran down the stairs.

"KOKICHI!" she screamed happily. "Himiko! I've been looking all over for you!" Kokichi said hugging himiko. "Kokichi! We have to get out of here! This place is haunted! Someone or something captured me and put me in a dark room." "Ya.. This place is haunted....we need to get out of her!" Kokichi said. They both went to the front door but wait a minute it was locked. "why is it locked? I don't remember locking it..." Kokichi said trying to unlock the door. "does that mean were stuck here?" Himiko asked terrified. The lights switched off. They both held onto each other.

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