The Witch

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They walked for a very long time.

"Are we there yet?" Himiko asked getting a bit tired. "No.. I don't see any red brick cottage anywhere.." Kokichi said looking around. They were both scared to face the witch but they've gone this far so why quit now? Then they saw it, a red brick cottage, "Ok this is it... We're finally here.." Himiko said standing in place not making a move. "Let's go then we don't have all day...." Kokichi said walking over to the cottage. They were both at the front door. Kokichi wanted to knock the door but couldn't find the urge to do it.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Himiko asked looking at Kokichi.

"I can't do it.." Kokichi said backing away from the door a little. Himiko put her hand on his shoulder "You got this. " She said quietly. Then he walked over confidently and knocked on the door. A girl with white hair and a raincoat looking jacket answered the door. "H.. Hey you!" Himiko said trying to sound confident (spoiler alert: she didn't sound confident)

"What do I have here? Guests? How nice! Atua has gave me quite a blessing! Well what are you waiting for come in!" She said with a big smile on her face. They both looked at each other confused, did she forget about what she did to kokichi. "I thought she hated you?" Himiko whispered to Kokichi. "I don't know, did she forget or something?" Kokichi whispered. The women went to a cauldron, she was making something. They both looked inside it, it looked disgusting. Himiko scrunched her nose.

"Um... What are you making...?" Himiko asked. She was feeling sick just looking at it. "Oh! It's one of my lovely potions!" She said mixing it up. "Ok anyway.. We're here to talk to you about something!" Himiko said glaring at her. "And what is that?" The girl asked confused. "I want you to undo Kokichi's curse right now!" Himiko said trying to sound menacing (Spoiler alert: She didn't sound menacing at all)

She looked at her for a while then looked at Kokichi. Then she laughed.

"Nyahahahahaha! You think I can do that so easily! Your so cute!" She said looking at both of them. Both of them were slowly backing away, they were ready to leave but she caught up to them. "Where are you going? You came all the way here, just to leave? Are you that cowardly?" She said laughing. "N.. No! We're not cowardly!" Himiko objected. "Well if you are not so cowardly as you say you are." She said looking at both of them "I'll test you then!" She snapped her fingers and purple smoked started to flood the world. "Nyahahahahahahaha! You will never see the light of day!" she said laughing. Himiko and Kokichi were seperated, they tried to look for each other in the smoke but couldn't then all of the sudden everything turned black.

After some time both of them woke up in different rooms,

The rooms were dark they couldn't see anything! Suddenly the lights flashed on, they were both in a box! But there was this one side made of glass where they could see each other. They both looked over and tried to break the glass but couldn't. Then they heard a voice. "Nyahahaha! Welcome to my escape game! If you can escape this room in under 40 minutes, I'll possibly let you go but if you don't... Then to bad for you! She said with a happy sort of tone.

"Now let me explain the rules!" She said happily "Number one! You cannot help each other! Number two! If one of you escape first then the other one will not be allowed to leave so you must leave together at the same time! Number 3! I will add new rules if necessary!" she said. She sounded so calm with each rule she made. "Any questions or objections? Well if you do object I will probably turn you into an object! Get it? Cause you object then I turn you into an object! Nyahahaha!" She laughed.

Kokichi and Himiko looked at each other, the himiko spoke.

"What happens if we don't follow the rules?" Himiko asked. "I'll turn you into a ruler and the break you!" The girl said in her happy tone. Himiko looked at Kokichi. "don't worry will escape." Kokichi said looking at Himiko's terrified expression. If only she had brought her spell book, she could've easily managed to get Kokichi and herself out of here.

"Well now that is over... LET THE GAME BEGIN! NYAHAHAHA!" she said laughing.

Author's Note: Sorry if it's a bit short, hope you enjoying this fanfic of mine!

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