~ A-Z Fluff Headcanons; Byakuya Togami ~

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A-Z Fluff Headcanons; Byakuya Togami

What are A-Z fluff headcanons? Headcanons labeled under specific 'fluffy' scenarios throughout the alphabet!

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For Someone

I stayed up and made sure to put a lot of thought into this. I hope you like it. I hope this rich boy makes you smile!


A-ctivities {What do they do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?}

•You're going to have to be patient with the boy at first, he doesn't know know what to do with you. He has spent most of his life looking down on 'commoner' activities - until your commoner self stole his heart. At first he was very content of just reading with you in his presence, which he still does sometimes since it cleared his mind. Though, after a bit of time, he'll learn to enjoy taking walks with you and talking to you about future projects of the Togami Corporation. He likes to hear your ideas, so brainstorming is good in your free time. If you want to do something, please be patient with him. He's loved his entire life in an ego, he won't let himself be seen in commoner places, but maybe if you beg long and hard enough he MIGHT book the entire place for the day no matter what it is. But nothing too out of his comfort zone, he's not going to change completely.

B-eauty {What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?}

At first, Byakuya admired your intelligence - and if you don't have that he admired your attempts. But now, he always seems so captivated by your eyes. He often looks into your eyes, making an excuse saying that it was to keep eye contact with you as you spoke. Sometimes, when he looks into your eyes, he can almost feel the emotions you have. Your eyes are not only stunning to him, no matter the color, but they were speaking to him in the most important language. Please, if he holding your chin and just stares into your eyes,'don't say a word and let him. He's trying to understand your emotions so he can know the best way to approach his next actions.

C-omfort {How would they help their s/o when they feel down/are having a panic attack?}

Growing up, he was told to keep his emotions at bay. He remembers his older siblings tending to his other siblings, though, and that's all he has. If you're sad, he'll notice almost immediately. He'll put what he has away and confronts you, wanting you to speak with him. He'll listen, since that's the thing he does best, and evaluate the information. He'll choose his words wisely, though still in his own way, he'd give you some advice or inspiration. If you start crying, he'll awkwardly take your hands and pull you to his chest. He's learning how to do this, so his grip on you will be uneasy and the way he rubs your back will be more so ghosting. He's trying though, and after some time he does improve. If you're having a panic attack, this boy is lost. He's been told to suck it up, and usually that's what he would say to strangers, but to you? He couldn't. If you had a panic attack, he would I lead you to a quiet area and sit you down, sitting in front of you and laying your head on his chest. He'll stay quiet and let you cry, holding onto you as he awkwardly runs his fingers through your hair and over your back. Again, he's learning how to deal with this sort of thing, please be patient.

D-reams {How do they picture their future with their s/o?}

Without a doubt, he sees his S/O standing beside him as he runs the Togami Corporation. His family has a legacy, and that usually includes a polygamous life style with many partners and many children. He doesn't like that, he prefers one partner and at the most four kids. He would at least like two children in the least, but four is his limit. He prefers their age gaps to be a bit spaced out, as well. But this was how he was raised to think, especially on how to carry out a legacy. All he really wants is a partner, children, and everyone happy and healthy and never have a fear in the world. He really wants to make it happen, and he'll damn well try.

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