~ A-Z Fluff Headcanons; Mikan Tsumiki ~

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A-Z Fluff Headcanons; Mikan Tsumiki

What are A-Z fluff headcanons? Headcanons labeled under specific 'fluffy' scenarios throughout the alphabet!

\Requested By\

A-ctivities {What do they do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?}

Well, when she isn't busy with school or nursing practices, she likes to do whatever you enjoy! Though, if you were on the more considerate side of things, she'd prefer something that involved little to no problems. A stroll in the park, a movie, or just a long chat about her work or school! Please, whatever it is, make the girl feel included! 💜

B-eauty {What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?}

•She loves your personality - that's pretty much what she always admired about everyone. But yours is to unique, and she can't help but bring a smile to her face when she things about it! Though, physically, she loves your hands. The size of them, how they feel in hers - she could hold your hand all day if you'd allow it!

C-omfort {How would they help their s/o when they feel down/are having a panic attack?}

•Being a nurse, she knows what to do when it comes to a panic attack, but that doesn't mean she doesn't worry or fight back tears when it happens. She cares about you, and seeing you so hurt mentally hurts her too! But she'll be strong, and she'll take care of you in any way she can. When you're feeling sad, she take your personal needs into account and quietly form a small quiet dinner for the two of you that day. She'll make your favorite comfort food, and stay by your side whenever you need it. She'll hold onto you if you want! She just wants you to feel okay!

D-reams {How do they picture their future with their s/o?}

•She wants something that will last forever. Thinking of you, she can see the two of you growing up together with smiles on your faces. She feels so warm thinking about her future with you, she can't wait to spend the rest of her life with you. Though, at times, her insecurities will show, and she'll wonder if she can really do it, or if she really deserves you. In the end, please be sure to give her love!

E-qual {Are they the dominant once of the relationship? Or rather passive?}

•She may seem to be the most submissive partner, and that may be true to an extent. Though, it's just a matter of being heard. She'll put her input in here and there on things, she'll voice her opinions and how she thinks things would go. She's just a little quiet, so please hear her out. She really does have good reasons for certain things. Even if she doesn't have good advice, she is a wonderful listener.

F-ight {Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?}

•She isn't very good in fights, honestly. She'll cry when someone's voice is raised to her. She's very sensitive. Though, she forgives rather easily once a apology is given. She doesn't want any kind of fights to happen, even if the argument is small. When the argument is minor she won't cry, but she's still sensitive to some things, obviously.

G-raditude {How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing to them?}

•She is so so so grateful to have you! Without you, who would look after her mental state? Who would help her with her naiveness and purity? People will use her kindness for granted, she someone needs to step in a say no for her and help her learn good from bad. She's learning from everything, so she's grateful to have you to learn from. She is very aware of everything you do for her, she tries to note every single one to think about later. She really does cherish you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2022 ⏰

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