~ A-Z Fluff Headcanons; Sonia Nevermind ~

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A-Z Fluff Headcanons; Sonia Nevermind

What are A-Z fluff headcanons? Headcanons labeled under specific 'fluffy' scenarios throughout the alphabet!

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Gift For @/Himbo™️

A-ctivities {What do they do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?}

She is so excited to do anything with you! She wants to see you happy, and if that includes thrill then she'll do it! She can stay home, but she really prefers to do something active! Go for a hike, play laser tag, go to a safari, travel to another country! If it involves staying home? Then movies, or maybe she'll bring in a comedian! She really just wants some kind of excitement.

B-eauty {What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?}

•She finds your personality and interests beautiful about you! She will tell you many times over about how she admires your personality, how your interests are so fascinating, and even considers picking them up herself too if she hasn't already! She'll hold you tight and give you a peck on the cheek as you do your interests together. She finds everything just so fascinating.

C-omfort {How would they help their s/o when they feel down/are having a panic attack?}

•When her partner is sad, she'll make it her mission to bring you up from your depths and make you smile again! She won't do anything big, but she'll sit you down hand in hand and smile big and bright and help you talk you through. She'll listen, insert her own input if needed, and will try her best to understand your situation. Then, once that is over, she'll declare the ultimate slumber party! She'll plan an entire party for you and your friends - and give them free private jet flights to her country! Then, on go with the movies, games, and activities! She really just wants you to be happy.

Though, a panic attack is quite similar in the end, she'll take a much more careful approach. She'll talk softly, make sure you are safe in a quiet room, and hold you until you are calmed down enough to talk. She will never force you to speak, or talk about what triggered you or what upset you. She understands boundaries, of course.

D-reams {How do they picture their future with their s/o?}

•With all honesty she'd only marry if you wanted to! She would never want to pressure you into being official royalty, or thinking you have to marry her at all! She'd be very content in being your fiancé for the rest of your lives! But, she wouldn't mind having parties for every anniversary! She really just wants you by her side as she rules her country! She understands you may not want all of that stress, so won't ask you to rule along side her if you don't want. But she at least would love your support.

E-qual {Are they the dominant once of the relationship? Or rather passive?}

•Being a princess, she's quite used to taking charge of everything around her. She sometimes takes charge of things without realizing, since it's her nature and how she was raised. Though, even then she'll always ask for your input and always communicate with you - as long as you remind her. She can forget sometimes, though with how much talking she dies and how much she tells you? You can sometimes pick it up anyway. But she tries to include you and let you make decisions as well! She's just so used to bossing everyone around, she may need a bit of reminding sometimes.

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