| Kiyotaka Ishimaru x Depressed!Reader x Mondo Owada |

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Mainly Kiyotaka x Reader at first, Angst with Good/Fluffy Ending, Profanity, Skipped Meals/Starvation, Poly Ship Towards The End

She/Her pronouns for Chihiro because of his secret is not out yet. If I see one gender debate I'm deleting your comments. HC all you'd like with Chihiro's pronouns, do NOT argue or debate about them. Thank you.

Inspired by floorbe and dangan-ronpa-images on Tumblr, but I morphed them into my own story with similar inspiration to their works.

• Universe •
Non-Killing AU

\Requested By\

You slowly ate your food, looking at the boy tiredly as he continued to vent to you. His intense red eyed gaze was everywhere but towards you, waving his arms around dramatically with his chopsticks in hand. He kept shifting in his spot, irritated with everything he spoke about.

"This delinquent is on the last straw!" He exclaimed. "He has skipped classes everyday, and he even sleeps through the teacher's lectures with ease! Has he no shame!? And his clothes! I- UGH! It's preposterous! I simply can not stand how a criminal got into such a prestigious school!" He dropped his chopsticks, making him take a small breather in his rant. He reached to take them and you took this chance to voice some of your own input.

"Taka, you've been ranting about the biker for weeks," you said, reaching for a bit more of your food. "It's best you don't mess with him anyway, he's the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader."

"And that is exactly why I make it my mission to set him on the correct path," He exclaimed. "He's a child!"

"Taka, we're the same age." You reminded him, giving him a nervous look. He looked at you for the first time all lunch and let out a huff. You looked from your friend to your lunch and ate a bit more.

"And that is exactly why I can help!" He said. "He can't throw his life away like this! If he could just follow the rules and pay attention in class, I'm sure his life will be turned around! You can't get far in life being a gang leader!"

You sighed softly and looked at his food. "Well, maybe you should stop talking about said gang leader and eat, it's almost the end of lunch. I know how you get when you're hungry. And I didn't bring a Snickers."

Taka frowned a bit and looked at his food. He then smiled a little and nodded. "You're right! Thank you for getting my head in the right direction! I deeply appreciate your kindness," his award winning smile made your heart flutter in joy. As he began to eat, you relaxed and took this time to indulge yourself in sweet silence.

For weeks the boy has been talking about the biker gang leader, nothing else. Your chats used to be anything but him, now it was just Taka ranting. It's not like you minded, but now it was a bit too much. You kind of kissed the way your best friend talked about the importance of a diet and politics with an occasional chat of economic growth in Japan.

You looked over to your friend, seeing how his eyebrows furrowed in thought. You finished your food and sighed. "Taka, if you keep giving him detention all he's going to do is resent you more. Why don't you try to have an actual conversation with him?"

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