~ A-Z Fluff Headcanons; Mondo Owada ~

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A-Z Fluff Headcanons; Mondo Owada

What are A-Z fluff headcanons? Headcanons labeled under specific 'fluffy' scenarios throughout the alphabet!

I love Mondo so much- I put a lot of thought into him, I hope you all enjoy. I love him. 🖤💞💖 Did I mention I love him?

P.s. Why is he so pretty???? He's gOrGeOuS- God there is not a single clip of him NOT BEING GORGEOUS! I'm such a simp for this man...

\Requested By\

A-ctivities {What do they do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?}

This boy loves doing anything with his s/o as long as they're comfortable. If his partner is laid back, how about a bike ride around town, or star gazing on the roof? If his partner an adrenaline junkie, hell yeah! Just- he doesn't do heights or needles very well so be kind to the biker. If it's raining, he'll be all for cuddling on the couch, or even go play in the rain with you and get absolutely soaked. He isn't picky, as long as his partner is smiling and having a good time so is he. He'll play laser tag, he'll watch a movie, he'll do motorcycle tricks and races - really anything when it comes to it. Except bungee jumping or zip lining, sadly the boy is terrified of heights no matter how much he tries to hide it. If you want matching tattoos, hold the boy's hand and kiss his head and he will suck it up for you. He loves you so much.

B-eauty {What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?}

•Honestly? This boy is a MAJOR sucker for scars, freckles, birthmarks, etc. If you have any permanent mark on your body, he thinks you are so strong and so attractive. To him, scars are what signify how strong you are and what you've gone through - even if it wasn't anything dramatic. Freckles? He'll kiss them all - or try - and have a blast. He'll even make little constellations with them like their stars! And if you have a birthmark he'll find it so unique and amazing about you. Overall, anything on your body that's unique or different, he finds is completely you and completely amazing. If he's in a mood, he'll probably try and kiss all your marks to death to make you feel better. If you don't want that, just tell him, and he'll just hold you happily.

C-omfort {How would they help their s/o when they feel down/are having a panic attack?}

•Mondo isn't very good with nerves, and when he's nervous or flustered he yells. But, he does know a bit about trying to comfort people, thankfully. Daiya taught him quite a bit before passing away. If you're sad, he'll think about how to cheer you up. He isn't the brightest, but he does have the cutest ideas - something you wouldn't expect from such a scary biker. He'd either try to make you your favorite food, or he'd buy it from the store, or have a gang member make it. He'll buy you little things to hopefully cheer you up, too! And, sometimes, he'll insist he makes dinner and makes a cute little dinner date just for the two of you to enjoy. He loves to try and crack jokes, or tell you funny gang stories, anything to make you smile and laugh. And when you do, he'll go: "There's that smile! Smile big and wide for me, darlin'! God, I love it when you smile!" And he'll have the biggest smile of his own. Your smile makes him smile. If you're having a panic attack, he'll panic a little at first but calm himself for you.

Depending on the type of panic attack you're having, he'll handle it in different ways. If you're a numb, dissociative kind, he'll carefully take your hands and look you in the eyes and talk to you in a soothing voice. He'll probably say something like: "Hey, darlin'? If you can hear me, or feel my hands, shake your head a little for me, alright, baby? Name five things you can see around us, but don't rush yourself." He'll be so gentle and try and slowly bring you back into reality as safely and as patiently as possible.

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