While Katsumi stared at her phone, debating if wether she should answer or not, a man behind the door was also making a decision.
He was fighting the urge to run away and just forget he ever came here, but this was too important to him. To her.
"No caller ID? Who do you think it is?", asked Hizashi.
The girl shrugged both her shoulders not knowing the answer. If she did, then she wouldn't be thinking about it so hard. There's only one person who ever attempted to reach her by the star 67 trick and ever since then, she's been wary.
A knock filled the room, allowing all three of them to raise a brow in suspicion. They were the only ones who were supposed to be there, so who else would show up?
Hizashi was the one to get up from his seat and answer the door.
"Sho? What's up man? Something wrong?"
Katsumi's eyes wondered to her phone to see if Shouta may have called her before hand and she just didn't answer. It was unlike him to pop up out of nowhere without a warning.
"I had something to ask Katsumi"
The raven haired man walked in the room, brushing his hair back with his fingers, "May I speak to you outside please"
Aizawa P.O.V
"May I speak to you outside please", I asked.
She looked to both Yamada and a friend before exiting into the halls with me.
"You were looking for me?", she asked shyly.
I nodded in response because I was still trying to figure out how I was gonna word this. How do I say that I'm excited for our music day without sounding childish?
"About that flash drive-"
"You watched it?", she questioned nervously.
"Yes and I uh- well you see-"
"Oh no, don't tell me *sighs* You don't have to. I know you don't like-"
"Please allow me to finish", I grabbed both her shoulders and huffed loudly trying to pull myself together.
Here goes nothing.
"I really want to make a song with you, but I don't know how. I can't sing, I can't write, I'm pretty much useless to the whole thing, but I will try. I wanted to tell you this in person because I was hoping we could start tonight before my nerves start kicking in again"
There it was. I said it.
Don't tell me she already made plans?
"That was my hopes, yes"
"S-Sure, I don't see why not. Do you want to come back to the studio tonight or?"
"That's fine, I'll be back at 7:00 o'clock. Is that ok with you?"
"That's perfect, I'll just make sure everyone leaves before then. See you tonight"
"Yeah, tonight"
............................................................................Both of them seemed to be anxious for later on and they both had good reasons. Shouta was oblivious to anything music related and Katsumi was overwhelmed from fear that Shouta would get frustrated and quite ten minutes in.
Katsumi been thinking a lot about this ever since she made the video. She didn't even think he would watch it to begin with, but if the slight chance he did watch it, which he did, she mentally prepared herself.
Or so she thought.
The sudden thought of him leaving her in the middle of making a song made her shiver. She really wants to do this, but it's a two person thing. I mean yeah she can do this by herself, but if she asked him to join, then she would also need him to want to be there.
Forcing him to do something anyway was impossible. Once he made his mind up it never goes back. If it did then she wasn't there to see it. It sure would be a rare sight.
I would say the same things goes for Katsumi, but she's a bit more open minded if someone has a comment they want to add to persuade her decision.
The only thing big she really did without her mind being changed was become a singer. She was set on the idea for years and she made it come to life.
Shouta knew nothing of this, obviously, so I guess that had some part in to why she actually went through with it.
He wasn't all knowing of this concrete plan she had made for herself. Instead, he worked hard with her to become a Pro hero. The job he wanted for both him and her.
He failed to realize that she wasn't all that interested and she failed to realize that he would've dialed it back a bit if he knew what she wanted.
I mean it makes sense, but then again, Shouta is stubborn and Katsumi is childish.
I'm sure we know this by now.
Katsumi is someone who is easily persuaded and that may be her downfall. She acts like her mother and that's no good. There's a reason she didn't live with her for the majority of her teenage years.
Shouta caught that when she first came back, but refused to speak on it, assuming it was a touchy subject.
He wants to bring it up, but doesn't know how. Him and Katsumi are on good terms, but for how long?
Tonight is the night where things might change. Will he run away? Will she run away? Will either of them speak on what they think. Well...music does have its ways.
Let the music speak.

Who are you
FanfictionHello readers. This is the continuation of my book "it's you" on my other page @Ms_Lowkey I highly recommend that you read the first book or this book won't make as much sense. Any updates will be made on this page because my other one was logged ou...