Your Kidding Me

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"Whenever your ready"


Shouta was in a panic and he doesn't know how he should handle this situation.

Katsumi has caught him...pleasing himself and he doesn't know how he should apologize. How does one apologize for something like that.

'Sorry for jerking myself off in my own room and you decided not to knock'

Even though it wasn't entirely his fault, he felt as if he should've took more precautions. He did tell her that when she was ready to go to the their training spot, to come find him and he'll be ready, but he was in fact not ready.

She didn't make a huge scene, she just kinda turned around and quickly apologized.

As anybody would do in his position, he hurriedly gripped the blanket and covered himself insisting that she leaves faster.

When she left, he grabbed his pillow and slapped it over his face, "You've got to be kidding me"

Three hours passed by and it was now dinner. As Ms. Aizawa was finishing the food, Shouta and Katsumi were in charge of fixing the table.

Both of them avoided any eye contact and did their best to not seem awkward.

"I noticed that you two didn't train today? Something happen?"

Shouta stiffened, hoping she wouldn't admit the truth on why they didn't leave. It would be too embarrassing and he would never show his face again.

"I wasn't feeling to good. I think I must've had to much junk food", Katsumi answered.

"I keep telling you sweetie to stop eating like that", Ms. Aizawa laughed, but she was a tad bit concerned.

"Sorry, I'll be sure to take precautions", she giggled lightly.

Shouta knew what she was doing and it wasn't funny. He was humiliated that he was caught doing something so personal. Especially by her of all people.

Actually it could've been worse. His mom could've saw him and he'd much rather die than that happen.

"Well you do that. Bring out the cups and we can start eating"

They have all finished dinner and Shouta went back to his room immediately. He didn't want to show his face more than he had to.

"Shouta dear, aren't you gonna help Katsumi clean up? It's Friday, so you both are assigned kitchen duty"

Did the world hate him.

"Yes ma'am. I just need to use the bathroom"

He rushed in the restroom and closed the door behind him.

He had no choice but do be in the kitchen with her or else his mother would question what was going on. There's no getting out of this, so two minutes in the bathroom won't hurt.

*knock, knock*

He turned his head towards the door and squinted, "Yes?"

"It's me. Katsumi"

No. No no no no no. No.

"I'm using the bathroom right now. Can it wait?"

"I know your not using the bathroom. Please just come out or let me in"

He opened the door and saw Katsumi with a shy look on her face.

"Are you gonna make me go through the emotions all over again cause if you are, that's cruel", he grumbled.

"No I uh- I don't want to talk about it if your not ready. If you want to go to your room, then I'll just clean the kitchen by myself. I don't mind"

"Are you sure?"

She nodded in response and they both agreed she would clean up the mess herself.

Katsumi was finishing up her cleaning and Shouta approached her as she wiped down the table.

"I appreciate you not forcing me to talk about this", he started off.

She stopped what she was doing and looked up at him, "No problem. If you don't want to do something I don't think you should be forced"

"Yeah, but I know how much you love to embarrass me, so this is new", he responded.

It was true. She loved to embarrass him if she caught him doing something stupid, but this was a bit to personal to exploit.

"New? You say that like I don't respect your boundaries", she said.

"I don't mean it like that. It's just, this was the golden opportunity to get back at me and you didn't. What's your catch?"

She smirked and wiped down the table once more before responding, "Well this is war of course. Telling your mom is a low blow, so I won't do that, but one day I'll get my revenge"

"War? All because I-"

"Yup, so you better watch your back"

"Oh yeah? So I just have to wait for you to get back at me before I can do anything? When do I get to play this game of yours", he questioned.

She smiled innocently and shrugged her shoulders, "Whenever your ready"

(End of flashback)

Aizawa P.O.V

This was her payback? Seriously?

"Katsumi, is now really the time?", I asked. She really waited all these years and quiet frankly, this is the worst thing she could've done. She knows I can't sing and to make matters worse, I'm being recorded. This was the perfect opening for her and she took it.

"Anytime is a good time. Don't you want to sing for me. It's only us two", she smirked.

I chuckled lowly and grabbed the notepad, "These lyrics are quite seductive. If I was mistaken, I would think that you-"

"Your reading them the wrong way", she interrupted.

I can play this game too. The notepad only read, checkmate. Don't think I forgot, but since she wants me to embarrass myself so bad, why not add her into the mix.

"Are you sure? I may be getting older but I'm sure this says to lick-"

"It's a P not an L. It's pronounced pick"

"Well that makes no sense. Who picks someone's-"

"Do I need to come in there and write the lyrics down again because you seem to be having a hard time reading them"

"I think I'm reading them just fine. Maybe it means something different in America, so tell me. What's a backsh-"

"You suck at reading"

"Oh? Maybe you suck at writing"

Both of us stared in each others eyes, the only thing separating us was this piece of glass.

She wants to play dirty, let's play dirty.

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