Think Fast

64 5 13

It was 8 o'clock at night and both Shouta and Katsumi were having trouble finding a common ground to how the song should start.

Mind you, they've been here since 7.

"It's been an hour Shouta. How about this. Make a random sound and that's where we'll build it off"

Shouta raised an eyebrow and spat the first thing he could think of.


Now most people would've said something along the lines of, no how the hell am I supposed to use that?, but Katsumi had enough of the waiting, so she simply smiled and responded with, "Perfect"

"How is that perfect?", Aizawa questioned.

"Because you my good friend, just gave me the easiest words to pronounce in this microphone. Plus, I feel like it will sound really cool"

"I guess I'll just trust the process", Aizawa mumbled.

"As you should. Now picture this. We can have this screaming in the background"


"Like a faint screaming sound", she repeated.

"Sure, why not add some snapping noises too", he said sarcastically, but Katsumi was all for it.

"That will actually work. What type of vibe do you want?"

"Has anybody told you that your starting to sound like Yamada?"

"Come on Shoutaaa. Answer the question. Do we want upbeat, sad, rage?"

"Something that's not to overbearing, but is catchy. I guess we can do something upbeat, but I want something in the background to level it out because I don't like over cheery music"

"Ok I can make that work. Any noise suggestions?"

Aizawa was trying really hard not to question her process, but there's no way that all these things she's saying she's gonna do is gonna sound good?

The weird ass sound he made earlier with snapping and screaming isn't something he would deem as music. But nonetheless, he was gonna see it through.

Yamada was terrible for this, but he couldn't miss the chance on seeing the Erasurehead make a song. It was too good to pass up.

He set up a camera before leaving and made sure it would be undetected. He was in his car, watching them live.

He was impressed that Aizawa lasted this long, despite the fact that they didn't really do anything the first hour of being there.

Yamada P.O.V

"Nemuri for the last time, no we can't talk through the app. It's just a camera that records sound"

"Well that makes no sense. Technology has came a long way and you chose to use one of the worst cameras to spy on them", she huffed.

"I'm not spying. I'm just checking in"

"Is that what your sticking to?"

"Yes, now hush before I miss something important"

"Like what? It's just a song"

"To her maybe, but me and you both know that Sho isn't the music type. I wanna see if he actually goes through with it. I'll give you 20 if he ups and leaves"

"I bet you 50 that he stays the whole time and finishes the song"

"50? You seem confident"

"Oh Zashi, you should know me better than that. She's a beautiful woman with nothing else to do for the night. Even I wouldn't walk out on her"

"Whatever. He might get too overwhelmed or something. Or he might fake a problem and say he has to go. Either way, he won't make it through the night"

"You said it yourself, he's different around her. You sure you want to bet 20?"

"I'll bet you 100 because he looks like he's gonna up and leave right now"

Sure enough, Aizawa was getting up from his seat and was walking towards the door. But Since the two were talking, they failed to hear the conversation before hand.

Which was,

Aizawa: "Noise suggestion? Does tapping count?"

Katsumi: Yeah. Anything does. It's music *smiles*

Aizawa: I...What made you want to make a song with me?"

Katsumi: I thought it could be fun you know. You've been trying really hard to learn about this sort of stuff, so why not learn it first hand"

Aizawa wasn't expecting that answer only because he spotted the camera and was thinking this was some sort of prank.

That's when he got up and walked towards the door to get a better view. From the looks of it, the camera has a view of almost everything.

The camera was well hidden, but he's a bit to perceptive to miss it.

He sighed and sat back down, rubbing his neck.

His big guess was that Hizashi or that girl put it there before they left, to spy.

Aizawa was entertained by the idea and simply thought of his next gesture. He could leave and they would have nothing to see or he could stay and finish the night.

He didn't want to ruin things with Katsumi, so he grabbed a pen and paper and wrote something down.

We're being watched. Yamada left a camera in here and I think he may be spying. Don't make any sort of facial expression or he'll catch on.

He passed the note to Katsumi and crossed his arms as she read it. She wrote something down as well and laughed.

Katsumi: Since when did you learn how to write lyrics. To embarrassing to say out loud?

She teased.

Aizawa scoffed and grabbed the notepad from her hands.

Let's prank him.

He furrowed his brows together and regretted bringing it up. He's not the prank type, never was.

He was in the process of shaking his head no, but Katsumi was already two steps ahead of him.

She grabbed his hand, brought him into the booth and stood him in front of the microphone. She jotted down a couple lyrics on the notepad and placed it in front, so he could read it.

He was beginning to panic because he can't sing, but then it hit him.

Katsumi: I added a couple words to your verse, so I hope you don't mind. Try singing it.

She gave him a wink and walked out back to her seat, where the controls were at.

He brushed his hair back with his fingers and nervously shifted around. He took a look at the lyrics and almost chocked.

"Whenever your ready"

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