Dinner Disaster

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Shouta P.O.V

"So you and Katsumi fighting?"

I placed the last plate onto the table, shaking my head, "It's nothing"

My mother gave me a concerning look, placing her hand onto my shoulders, "Well son...sounds like you think I was born yesterday"

"Not in the mood to talk about it"

"Oh I see. She rejected you"

"I know what your doing and it's not going to work"

"No idea what your talking about"

She won't let up, "Katsumi is being complicated. I worked with her as her security guard but got demoted for an unrelated reason"

"That reason being?"

"Like I said, unrelated. It had nothing to do with my performance neither was it for my behavior, so they had no right to demote me"

"Is that why you left? Because they demoted you?"


"Then why did you?"

"Because of my supervisor. The man had no business making my life worse than it is"

"Your life's bad?"

"Mic told me to go to counseling, but I can handle it"

"Sho, if you need counseling than go. It's not a bad thing"

"I don't need someone to evaluate my life. I don't want to relive all of that"

"That's how progress begins. You need to start healing"

"I can do that myself"

"Then why haven't you done it yet?"

Katsumi P.O.V

"Because I'm scared. That woman always makes things worse and-"

"Katsumi breath. I won't force you to hang out with her"

"I know you won't, but your telling me Ms. Aizawa invited her to dinner. I have no choice in this". I sighed.

"You don't have to go to that dinner"

"Ms. Aizawa is gonna be there. I already agreed"

"Say something came up"

"I can't lie to her", I panicked.

"Then what are you gonna do? Go to that dinner depressed because that sad excuse of a mother is gonna be there?"


"No, you shouldn't have to. Stay with me and we can-"

"Reiss, as much I appreciate your concern, I can't skip on this dinner"

"Ok. Alright fine, but if anything happens, text me"

"Ok, I will"

*1 hour later*

I could hear my mother inside laughing with Ms. Aizawa. When did she get here? It's 6:55, she's early.

The door opened before I could knock and there stood a tired looking man who looked done with the whole day and tomorrow.

"Your here? Didn't expect you to show"

He's already starting his crap.

"Calm down, don't get to excited. I'm only here to catch up with your mother"

"She's to busy catching up with yours. They've been at it for 30 minutes now"

"30? Your mom told her what time dinner was gonna be ready right?"

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