Stupid and Hurt

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"Oh? Maybe you suck at writing"

As the two stared each other down waiting for the other to make a move, the phone beat them to it and rang.

"Huh?", Katsumi picked up the phone and read the caller ID out loud, "Trey"

"You should answer", Aizawa said plainly, even though deep down he wanted her to ignore this Trey guy and focus on him.

"It will only be a second", she walked into the hall to speak, as Aizawa waited inside annoyed. He wasn't planning for any distractions, so just his luck that something like this happens when he's finally feeling comfortable enough to make a move.

A simple kiss would've been nice, but maybe it's to early. If she was feeling the same way he was, then she wouldn't have picked up the phone. She could've let it ring or simply texted them to text her. She did neither of those things, so that lead for Aizawa to believe the two weren't on the same page.

Sighing out loud, he walked to the hidden camera and looked dead into the small lense, "What now huh? I'm sure you were hoping for something too", he groaned.

There was no response because he was talking to an inanimate object, but he did receive a text from Yamada that read, How did you know?

"I'm not stupid. You wouldn't miss an opportunity like this", Shouta answered.

Sorry man, just wanted to see how it would go. She said it will only take a minute.

"Yeah, but...never mind. I sound selfish"

No. Say it. What's up?

"I'm...I don't like it when she leaves", there it was. I guess you can say the man had undealt with trauma when it came to her leaving.

Yamada didn't respond back after him saying that, making Shouta feel uneasy, but he soon understood once he heard Katsumi's steps approaching near him.

"Are you ok?", he asked, acting like he wasn't 3 seconds away from venting to a spy cam.

She shook her head no and gently moved him away from the camera, taking it out the wall, "It came to my attention that uh- you and...and um... *sighs*  I'm sorry I can't do this"

She grabbed her things and began to walk out the studio, but was stopped by Shouta, "Did something happen?"

It was unusual for him to sound so worried, but the way she started off her sentence made it seem like she found something out about him that she didn't like.

"Yes and I'd rather not talk about it tonight", she kept her head low as she spoke and it was quite obvious why.

He heard her sniff after her sentence making it known to him that she was about to or already was crying.

Out of instinct, he used his index finger to lift her head up, but she moved her face not wanting to look him in the eye.

"Did I do something?", he asked upset. He tried to keep the pain from his voice, but some managed to seap through.

"Shouta please. I thinks it's best we do this another time, I have to go"

"Another ti- I'm confused. You go outside for two minutes and now your telling me you want to leave. What did this Trey guy tell you?"

"It doesn't matter what he told me. What matters is what you didn't tell me"

He continued to stand there in confusion, wondering what he possibly could've kept secret. Sure he had things that he never spoke about, but those things were to never see the light of day, so it wasn't possible for another soul to know about.

"Katsumi, I know I don't tell you everything, but-"

"You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to. I'm not obligated to know your whole life story", she frowned.

"Well...yeah, but-"

"It's late and I need to make a couple calls, so we can do this another time. Not tomorrow though. Maybe next week?"

He squinted and spoke, "Sure. I'll make time"

His anxiety was peaking through because not only does he have no idea what she was told, he has to wait a week to even speak with her.

This night was officially the worse.

Katsumi P.O.V

*3 hours later*

"Are you sure? Maybe he was messing with you"

I called Yamada to talk because I just may explode if I have to keep this in, "Who would lie about that?"

"Ok breath. If you really believe it's true then how come I didn't know about it? I would've told you if that were true"

"He didn't have to tell you. I wouldn't put it above him to keep secrets from those close to him", I argued.

"I know this sounds bad-"

"Yeah! It does sound bad. It sounds very bad"

"But there's a chance that this may be a joke or a misunderstanding"

"Misunderstanding? What is there to misunderstand?"

"I don't know. There had to be somethi-"

"Well there wasn't. I'm the dumb one either way"

No matter which way I looked at it, I was stupid. Stupid to come to Japan. Stupid to reconnect with Shouta. Stupid enough to answer that phone call when I could've went the whole night without hearing that news. I'm just stupid.

"Your not", he frowned.

"Then what am I? I'm not smart, so what else could you possibly say I am?"

"I'll prove it to you that this was all a big misunderstanding. There's no way this can be true and you know that. I know that"

As much as I appreciate his efforts, it wasn't enough. I'm still hurt. I'm still furious. I feel...broken.

Why do I feel broken.

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