morgrel and reveal

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Its me author for now the funny moments will be on hold until next chapter because it's time for the serious business and I apologize readers to hold you back from the action and carnage that's about to erupt that you all have been expecting though this is my first story don't expect for it to be super long.


Rias pov

Rias:wha- who are you?

???: Damn morgrel do you ever shut up you slut?

Zecs:what did you call my sister!

???: Oh please morgrel don't even try me

Then a lot of golden portals open aiming for them they were all terrified at this mysterious person's power. It got worse when weapons start appearing like swords spears knives axes and many more

 It got worse when weapons start appearing like swords spears knives axes and many more

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???: Guess y/n is right to kill you all

Issei:bastard! How do you know y/n!

???: Hahahahahah oh shut up you useless morgrel we both are more powerful and smarter then any of you combined, plus you dare call me bastard? A KING! WELL MORGRELS. It's time to perish


???:but unfortunately he has to reveal himself be ready MORGRELS we are gonna paint the town red. As red as your hair slut

A black ball of energy starts to kill everything near it as the power levels overwhelms everyone to suffocate and upon that ball of energy is a person who seek vengeance who was neglected and used like a slave against a power hungry whore master along with her other slaves and fellow beings

???:since your all going to die anyways might as well reveal myself

Michael:show your self dark knight!




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