Night raid

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Mina San gomenasai I've been very busy with school lately and I'm pretty stressed out so I needed a break, now I'm back! Although still stressed but meh I've been absent for quite a while now so lets get right into the story


I was walking inside of the nitrates hq and i must say it's pretty decent at least compared to our base of operations of course i can tell that all of them are waiting for us inside a specific room because i can feel each and every aura of the night raid members of course the girl beside me might as well cut the door open why because a minute ago i commented on how much she can eat and i must say i almost died note to self do not call girls fat.

Y/n:soooo akame how good do you think your fellow members will take in the super natural specialist since the very person beside you is the same person who  literally killed the person that rules over one of the factions and the fact that you managed to oh you know trust me considering i'm only known as the mysterious knight how can you guys like trust me already

Akame: and i'm surprised that a person like you who is very powerful you scared of such thing as trust considering you got betrayed and also we know that we've been watching you since you were still a devil working under gremory and i must say you changed quite a bit

Y/n what's just silent and the fact that he was being watched for that long and the fact that he didn't even notice it or predicted it just make him more excited as he knows night raid is real good but not this good he expected a lot from an organization filled with trustworthy people and now he would not pass on this opportunity

Y/n: well s***  that must mean you know couple stuff from me

Akame: only a little bit considering i'm not really the person who was watching you 24/7 it is actually our boss

Y/n: oh dear that's pretty creepy if you ask me what sense you are pretty busy cooking and eating in killing whoever your enemy is so i'm not really that surprised that you are not the one who's watching me

Akame: well here we are

As the both of us open the door i saw a couple of people standing in front of me while akame joins them.

???: Ahh finnaly I've been expecting you

???2:oh wow so this is the guy... Looks kinda scary...

???3:tatsumi are you scared of him?

Tatsumi:says the girl who drinks all night and tries to rape me!

???4:tch! What ever you don't look that tough

Y/n: a tsundere... I guess her hair style is already a dead give away


???5:hahah welcome bro this is night raid! Nice to meet you!

Y/n:heh not bad Najenda.

Y/n:heh not bad Najenda

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