for every alter there's an original

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I'll get straight into the story for now


Y/n pov--------------------

Y/n: so Merlin ready to cast the illusion?

Merlin: yes. It's ready

Y/n: alright cast it it's probably better

Your probably wondering what illusion is it. Well Merlin made an illusion of sirzecs to take over the devil's the reason why? Is because somthing will definitely happen to y/n and needed all the time he has before war breaks lose, luckily it's only a 50/50 chance and with merlin's illusion, the chances of war decrease more. This is because y/n had the corrupted grail in him. But so is. Avalon. And it's fighting back. This can only result to one thing....

Artoria: what's the matter darling? Anything wrong?

Y/n: I just have this feeling that o may or may. Not fight someone

Artoria:*kisses him on the lips* aww don't worry we can do it together

Y/n:*kisses back* ik sorry artoria but it's about time I probably prepare.

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Rias pov

I was planning and planning on going to beat y/n and artoria. But I was interrupted by a magic circle

Sirzecs: long time no see rias, ajuka, asmodeus.

Rias/ajuka/asmodeus:Oni San!/Lord zecs/Lucifer Sama!

Rias was embracing zecs like it was the end of the world

Rias: but how? I thought that y/n killed you!

Sirzecs: he didn't. From the beam to me dying was an illusion the power and the rest are real but me dying isn't. But I have one thing to say to you while I'm at them

Ajuka: what is it my Lord?

Sirzecs: we are going to have a peace treaty with them. Why? Because I heard the things you done and the way you treated and looked at him since he was your knight.

Rias: but you can't just do that!

Sirzecs: it's just fair rias. Plus don't worry about Asia and GASPER. There both on good hands and as his adopted daughter and son.

Everyone; WHAT

sirzecs: yes there's a lot of things that is going on inside so please. Bear with me everyone

Rias: alright brother.

Ajuka: were glad your okay!

Sirzecs: I know but I was observing everyone with y/n this entire time so rias you won't be left unpunished. But it's up to y/n if severely or not

The altered knight (betrayed alter male reader x DxDWhere stories live. Discover now