epilogue and new story teaser

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Ara- Ara.

Lady of the lake;hello cuties.

Arthur; the heck you guys doing here?

Y/n: Merlin... EXPLAIN!

Merlin: well you see.. the both of yous Noble phantasm are soooo powerful that it was felt in the underworld human world heaven and even the dimensional gap.

Y/n: woah. Really that's how powerful it is?

Lady of the lake:*chuckles* anyways now that the. Both of you will come to a realization. The grail will now fuse the both of you back to the original state like artoria.... Like you can switch on and off from altered form like her. Though you have 2 personalities depending on the form you take.

Arthur: seems legit

As a bright light ingulfs the 2. There finnaly one but not until Merlin did some finishing touches to y/n. He is now back with blonde hair and green eyes. And no longer pale. Though be had fun switching from both of his forms. He realizes somthing.

Y/n: uhmmm Merlin why don't I fell my balls? And why do my hair grew?

Merlin:*chuckles* look at the mirror.

Merlin:*chuckles* look at the mirror

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yup he turned into a girl lmao

Y/n: Merlin what the hell!

Merlin: don't worry. It will wear out in 30 days

Y/n: of it doesn't. I'm going to kill you



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Y/n was walking home. As he got home everyone stared at him in wide eyes.

Y/n: it's because I'm a girl ain't it...

Everyone laughs and had fun that he's a woman so it's only temporary it has some benefits like in that form he can summon both excalibur and excalibur morgan at the same time and even use both noble phantasms at the same time the peace treaty went well everyone was happy eating and dining that this is what in was intended from the beginning there are ups and downs but they managed to go through it.

Michael and gabriel went by and had some fun with the pendragon household and also for gabriel two confess her feelings to y/n (yes cuz why the fuck not?) Azazel also arrived along with serafall. She is now the new ruler of the underworld sana family owns all of kuoh. Even the ruler of the yokai yasaka drop by and celebrated with her daughter it's all fun and games inside of the pendragon household now you're probably wondering what's happened to rias and her peerage? Well tomato head what's disowned by her parents and was stripped of her title and ranking even her evil pieces where confiscated from her and she was now looked down upon while her nickname is the pawns bitch. And was now sold into slavery and issei was left to be raped but the goblins while DDRAIG finally was separated from the pervert and now has a brand new and powerful host and that host is none other than Akame. Kiba was sent to our training disciplinary camp. And akeno is forced to be home arrested with her father for 20 years. Xenovia is now a new member of a different but bad peerage. Although not all of them suffered as bad like koneko. Artoria help clean kurokas name add now is reunited with her sister but is still left punished slightly she will be training with Tanin for a week. Rossweisse was forbidden from seeing odin. But is still a valkyrie with a bad reputation

Everyone was drinking and singing and eating in the pendragon household and merlin finally gave caliburn to our protagonist. But artoria and akame have a different suprise

Artoria: hey y/n can you come here for a minute.

Y/n: oh hey darling and babe what's up?

Akame: well...... Uhmm..

Artoria: we Are........

Akame/artoria: PREGNANT

When that word came out our protagonist went on use a lot of emotions.

Y/n.exe has stopped working

Y/n:*sob* *sob* yes I'm going to be a father of 4 now..

When two of the girls her that they cannot hold their tears and hug are protagonist they would not have thought of him to accept them that fast and that goal of our protagonist which is saving and protecting those who he love and who considered as family came true with the power that he possesses it's now nothing but peace for now then the three of them went in the middle and announce that artoria and akame are pregnant everyone was cheering and clapping and congratulating y/n. Artoria and akame. They all had fun all night.

Being a knight of someone who neglected and betrayed you there's only a matter of time that the night will lose it's loyalty but was important is it managed to protect those who matters to him he managed to get through lots and lots of hell just so that he can protect those who considered as family though he may be separated into forms that didn't stop him from being the altered knight.


Omg mina San thank you all so much for your support i am greatly thankful for the amount of views and joy that it gave you guys so it is only short it is only the beginning however it's only my first story there are more to come and development will surely be more seen and the fact that you guys actually enjoyed the story makes me happy i didn't expect you guys too be with me from the beginning of the story to the end now that the story is finished it's time for me to begin writing the next story thank you all angeloandteddy out.

???: I wish I just leave this world that I am in....



IM A GIRL? Male reader trap saber x DxD

Coming soon.....

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