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Zuko's POV
"S-so what's been on your mind?" I asked shyly.
"I rather not talk about, sorry I got to go now." Katara said as she ran off back to her room.
"Katara wait." I called out but it was no use.
I walked back to my room to find Mai waiting for me.
"Where did you go?" She asked emotionless.
"I just needed some fresh air and should you be asleep?"
"Yeah, but did you just really need fresh air?"
"Ugh stop getting on my case Mai."
"Fine good night." She said and walked off.

I laid back down in my bed and brought the covers up to my neck. I felt tired but there was something preventing me from sleeping. I could really put my fingers on it. Every time I closed my eyes all I could see was a girl who was calling for help and every time I tried to save she would fade. I told my uncle about these dreams before and he told me it might be am just afraid of losing someone and I should figure out who this person was. I've tried to figure out but I could never pinpoint who it is. I've stayed up for days trying to figure out who this person was yet nothing. For some reason every time I think of a person am after of losing, Mai never comes to mind, it's like I was okay in losing her. I pushed that thought out of my mind and tried to sleep but it was hopeless. For the next few hours I was starting blankly including the ceiling until I felt the sun crepe on to my skin, I realised I've stayed up for the whole night again.

I walked down the palace halls quietly to much sure I would wake anyone up. As am waking down the halls I kept thinking of who this person is? Who was I going to lose? I so deep in my train of thoughts that I didn't see Katara walking and ran straight into her.
"Ugh can't you watch were your going?" She screamed angrily.
"Sshh, or you'll wake everyone up its just sun rise. Why are you up this early any ways?" I questioned her quietly as we picked ourselves up off the floor.
"I couldn't sleep. You?" She asked in an annoyed tone.
"Same, what's stopping you from sleeping?"
"Why do want to know? It's not like we both are having the same troubles that are stopping us from sleeping." She stated.
"Well you never know, if we are having the same trouble we could work it out with each other." I suggested.
"Fine only if you tell me first."
"Sure but let's go some where more secluded I don't want Mai to hear this."
At first Katara looked at me with a strange look but gave in and followed be back to the small lake we were at just last night.
"So what's your dilemma?" She asked a bit more curious than she was before.
I took a deep breath in.
"I've been having these visions of this girl every time I try to sleep. She would call for help and when I try to help her she would disappear. I've asked my uncle about this and he thinks am just scared of losing someone, but I don't know who and I think the only way I can figure this out is by finding out who this person is."
"Our problems sounds pretty similar. Every time I try to sleep these thought pop up in to my mind of me missing something in my life but I just don't know what it is and it's driving me insane."

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