The thing

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She pulled me by my arm at first I resisted.
"Hey what are you doing?" I asked.
"I need to talk to you I just told you." She said as she tugged my arm harder.
"Can't we just talk here?" I asked pulling my arm back.
"No, we can't, I don't want anyone to see us."
"Just follow me I'll explain later. Okay?"
"Fine." I gave in and let Katara take me.

She brought me back to that small lake that we were at this morning.
"Okay now will you tell me what you want to talk about." I said with curiosity.
"Look, after I went back to the palace I Toph stopped me. She said something that got me thinking." She said.

"What does Toph have to do with this?" I asked.
She took a deep breath in,
"She knew that we were talking to each other and..." She asks interrupted.
"And what?" Mai asked.
We both turned around in shock that Mai had found us.
"M-mai! What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Well I was looking for you, but I couldn't find you so I asked some guards if they knew where you were. They told me to look here as the found you here this morning. Anyways to tell you my dad needs me to go home for awhile. I'll be back in about 2-3 weeks 4 at the max." Mai said, still emotionless.
"Okay, than that explains it. Good bye Mai have a safe trip." I told her as I gave her a hug.
She walked off back in to the bushes to get back to the her boat.

"Okay now that's over with what were you going to say?" I asked and turned back to Katara, but she wasn't there.
I looked around for her but she wasn't any where near me.

Katara's POV
"Ugh, stupid, stupid, stupid!" I said to myself as I hit my head with my hand.
"Why didn't I just tell him I found out what my missing thing was? I mean it wasn't that hard it was just a simple, Zuko I finally found out what I was missing in my life and said it was him. I would of confessed it to him that I had feelings for him. I mean even his uncle could see it, his uncle was the one who told me not to tell zuko as he'll have to figure things out on his own. Ugh, why is life so hard?" I asked myself as I reached the palace doors.
"Hm, so is that what am missing in my life, eh?" A voice asked me form behind.

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