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I wake up to a sudden wave of embarrassment as I look at my position. Wow I was clingy. My thoughts were cut short by hands grabbing my sides. I looked up at Clay, he still had his eyes closed but he was pulling me up towards him.

He laid me on top of him and wrapped his arms around me, bringing me closer. I put my head into the crook of his neck. "Clay?" I whispered, in hope of him being awake. This only made him tighten his grip even more, if that was even possible.

I began to tap him with my free arm, he wouldn't move. I could tell he was awake so I decided to tease him.

I moved my leg, wiggling it around while applying pressure to him. My knee rested just above his crotch. I could feel him getting turned on.

"Clay~" I slightly moaned in his ear. He moved to try kiss me but I took that opportunity to get up. I giggled, watching him try to calm down from his flustered state.

I walked out the door heading to the other's room. "Wake up!" I shouted walking into the room. "Alex~" I whispered into his ear. "Gogy?" He jumped up, Karl also jumping up a second after.

"Come on, we're leaving Sap and Clay, they're boring." They both giggled getting up and putting on the first thing they saw. I realised I was still in a hoodie and boxers and ran back to Clay to grab my skirt.

"George, where are you going?" Clay groaned. "Out, see you tomorrow!" I mumbled. There was silence as I walked out the room, I then heard scrambling followed by a thud.

I giggled grabbing Alex and Karl. "Quick, Clay's coming." I whispered as we ran to the door.

We heard a shout as we ran down the hall and out of the building.

"So, where to?" I smile. They both look at each other and smile. "The park!" They shout running off, I quickly follow behind them.

We arrive at the park and they bring me to a spot behind the bushes. We all lay down watching the clouds through the opening in the trees. I smile. We did this once, on the roof.

I knock on his window, balancing one foot on the tree and the other on the wall. He slides open the window and smiles. "Come here." I grab his arm and help him onto the tree. There's complete silence other than birds singing. The sky is a light blue and the sun is beaming. There were white fluffy clouds moving at a steady pace above us. I climbed further up the tree, leading him to the roof. He was a lot taller than me so his head hit quite a few branches. I giggled watching him stumble up the tree, he looked up grinning. I then stepped across onto the roof. He followed my exact steps but reached out before pulling over his second foot. I grabbed his hand and pulled him over. He lands right in front of me, looking down as he towers over me. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach as I hear every breath he takes. After a moment of staring at each other he looks behind me. On the roof was a big fluffy blanket laid out and his favourite cake. He giggled walking over and sitting on the blanket. I sat beside him and laid down. He laid down after me. We laid there in a comfortable silence, all he needed was company. His two brothers had moved out today, they left him. It hurt to see him cry when he told me. Why didn't they bring him, everything would be fine if they had just brought him. "I want to be one of those clouds, I will be one day. I'll float peacefully, seeing the whole world. I'll look down on you, keep you safe." He smiled.

"George?" Alex tapped my shoulder. I looked over with a single tear escaping down my cheek. I smile and wipe it away.

After a minute there's a weird noise coming from behind the bushes, almost like crying. "Do you guys hear that?" Karl asks, getting up to look around.

The noice became louder, footsteps now audible too. Before anyone could say anything a blonde boy emerged. He gasped as he saw us. He quickly wiped his eyes. "Sorry, I didn't-" He paused. I made eye contact with him and then slowly realised.

"Oh my god." I whispered. Karl and Alex both looked around. "George?" The boy whispered, looking down. It was almost as if my mind was warning me but I didn't listen.

"George he's gone." He whispered. "I know, I was there, unlike you." I responded, harsher than I meant but he deserved it. "I know you hate me George, but please, I'm sorry, I was scared and you're the closest thing I have to him." I think for a second, he is only a child.

"I don't forgive you, but I don't forgive myself either. So come here." I open my arms and he immediately runs into me. He lets out his tears, sobbing into my shoulder. "George I left him! We were going to come back for him I swear. We should have brought him." He sobbed.

Tears began to leave my eyes too but I ignored them. "Please come home with me." He begs. "Is.. um.. he there?" I ask. "Yes, but he regrets leaving too George, please." He looks up at me with teary eyes. "Okay." I sigh.

He drags me up and beings to walk. "Ehem?" Karl fake coughs. "Oh right, um I need to go guys, I'm sorry." I frown. They nod, "what do we tell Clay?" Karl asks.

"Who's Clay?" Tommy looks up at me. "No one." I sigh. "I don't care." I look back at Karl. "Tell him he's at his boyfriends house." Tommy glares. "Not me." He quickly adds before running off dragging me with him.

"WHAT?" I hear Karl and Alex shout. Tommy chuckles.

i wrote this in study :)
i have exams all day tomorrow with no time to study in between and i haven't started yet 😀
i'm dying my hair pink on friday tho :)
i love you go drink water

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