Prologue- A Tale as Old as Time.

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"Life asked Death, 'why do people love me but hate you?'

And Death responded, 'because you are a beautiful lie and I, a painful truth.'"

Life and Death are balanced on a thread. Years ago, Life evolved into different species; while Death clung on to the shadows. Life was praised and loved, yet no one celebrated Death. Life's spirit eventually moved on to live inside every living creature, but Death's clung on. 

Death guided souls away, but one day that changed. 

A day came when Death encountered three brothers. It offered them each a gift in hopes of obtaining their souls; however, its plan would backfire on one of the three.

The eldest - a foolish man that adored confrontation - asked for a wand like no other; a wand that would win each duel it came across. Death fashioned a wand from the branch of an elder tree just outside the banks of the dangerous waters. 

The second brother wanted for Death to be humiliated. He chose to mock it by asking for a stone that recalled for the deceased from the grave. Death picked up a stone from the riverbank and laced its unique soulless magic with it, making this the resurrection stone. 

When it was the third brother's turn to chose his gift, he thought for a while, for he was the wisest and most humble of the three. The young man looked under Death's dark hood and asked for something that could enable him to walk out of there without Death being able to follow, because he was not a trusting man, and Death seemed something rather doubtful. With reluctance, Death tore part of its long, black robes. Unwillingly, it handed the brother the torn robes which were now fashioned into a cloak that made whoever bore it, invisible. 

Having each their prizes, the brothers parted ways. But there was something  about these artifacts - later to be named 'the Deathly Hallows' - that only Death knew about. In order for Death to be able to grant them, to create something so powerful, it had to tear itself. A part of Death lingered on the Hallows, which is why it was so easy for the two oldest brother to be found and for Death to take their souls. But Death could not find the third brother, for Life hid him from it until he wished to come out of hiding and embrace Death like an old friend. 

And when the three brothers were gone, Death attempted to take back the Hallows, but the artifacts had been with the living for far too long and had already been touched by Life. They could not be brought to Death's Realm without Death's spirit embedding itself in everything Life inhabited- hence destroying everything Life had established.

Now Death will have to watch its precious gifts be forgotten and regarded as nothing more than legend; Until a young wizard came along, who wielded all three Hallows, connecting Death to Life in a balancing order. 

He now possessed bits of Death - controlled them, hence controlling it. Death now had a master, one that will take advantage of his new servant for more than just power.   

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