Part XIII: A Day for a Favor.

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"To fight the raven you may make alliance with the serpent until the battle is done."

                                       ~Robert Jordan.

Lennox Lawrence Greengrass liked to consider himself a cunning man, after all, he belonged to the House of Slytherin when in Hogwarts. He liked to have the attention on him, play Quidditch and get on Malfoy's throat whenever he began to speak ill of him in the man's sixth year. And yet, although reading people was his thing, even though he knew (almost like his wife) how to take advantage of his humour and charm, it was hard for him to filter his thoughts. Many times, Lennox Greengrass found it hard to express his emotions. Unlike his wife, he was an reprehensible man; he'd worked on it when it came to representing a client, or defending the ministry itself when a worker was caught breaking a law or using unnecessary magic in foreign soil. Knowing five languages, he was the first wizard called to fix the problem and pull out the thorn in Wizarding Britain's side.

However, although Lennox was a sought-after legal-executor, he rarely did anything out of the depths of his heart. So when he stepped foot into Delano Dolohov's office to petition for Remus Lupin's trial information, to say the holder of the International Magical Office of Law files was stunned was an understatement. Dolohov questioned him for his intentions. Lennox tried his best to remain as uninterested as possible by raising an unimpressed eyebrow. "Well, he does not have a representative, does he?" Lennox replied, making it sound like his boss was an imbecile. 

"R.J. Lupin will not be granted one. The Wizengamot have decided to send him to Azkaban without trial." Dolohov's glasses slid down the bridge of his nose as his eyes widened with caution, studying Lennox closely. "If you wish to challenge their ruling, I suggest you speak with the head of the Wizengamot." 


When Dolohov nodded, Lennox rolled his eyes with a scoff. "Albus Dumbledore hardly insists on the change of whatever the Wizengamot decide." Venom was clear in his words; the distaste in his current situation was rather obvious. "You know this, you want to send me on a wild goose chase!" 

A soft hum was heard from the much older wizard's throat. "Perhaps. But you must know that at least five Wizengamot change their ruling are necessary. Until then, you will not breathe the same air as Lupin." Lennox, who'd set his hands on the edge of Dolohov's desk, glared at the man. "It is not a suggestion but an order," clarified the man as he checked his schedule before taking a quill, dabbing the tip in ink, and writing something down under the fifteenth of November. He'd only written down Debrief- when he looked back up to the blond. "This is your cue to leave, Greengrass. There is nothing else to say." 

With a huff, Lennox spun around and strode out of the room. As he fell from his cloud of rage, he went to his wife's office, knowing that his daughter had yet not eaten breakfast and would probably throw a fit if she was not fed, he took her to a muggle cafe. When they were heading back to the ministry, a parlor caught the girl's eye. She looked at the Strawberry Shortcake dolls and decided she needed to have them, after all, she'd never seen something so simple. 

Daphne, still in Daria's body, pleaded to have the insignificant toy. Lennox, at first, said no, that there were enough at home, but having a grown woman throw a fit over a toy was not a good look on both of them, and the only one who could control Daphne's tantrums was her mother, Lennox was no good. 

A couple minutes later, when Lennox had brought Daphne back to his wife's office, having bought her a sweet instead of the doll (if his parents ever saw her playing with a muggle toy, he would never hear the end of it). The man bid her farewell, gave her a few things to entertain with, along with the second dose of the polyjuice potion before warning her not to leave until her mother came and leaving the large, grape and silver shaded office. 

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