Part II: The Choice Of Death's Master.

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"To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."

~ J.K. Rowling.

31 July, 1981.

A woman with flowing auburn hair, bright emerald eyes, and a smile that could light up a whole room came into her house with a flustered look, only for the look to fade away when she noticed the decorations on the drawing room. Her murderous glare faded away and tight grip she had on her baby boy loosened.

Her husband, a man leaned against his best friend, pureblood wizard Sirius Black, raised his cup- which was filled with bits of melon in the juice. "You didn't really think I'd forget our son's birthday, did you?" Joked James, sparking a guffaw from Sirius.

By now, Lily had put her son down to wander around the room and was making her way to James. "It isn't funny when you do these surprise parties," she mentioned, trying her best to hide her grin. James pretended to be hurt, hitting his chest with his fist as he took a step back. "Oh! You're hurting me here Lils."

Lily playfully hit James on the arm. "Don't start," she giggled.

Sirius decided to use this time to sneak out to where his godson had gone. As the toddler began to peek at the gifts set on the wooden table for him to eat in, Sirius grabbed the boy and raised him in the air. Harry squealed with laughter as he was tossed, alerting both parents. Lily nearly fainted when she saw her husband's clown for a friend tossing her son in the air.

"Sirius, put him down, you'll make him sick!" She shrieked with a white face, clinging on to her husband's sleeve.

"He's fine," James cooly replied. "Look how much fun he's having." The man pointed at Sirius, then Harry, who was less happy and face began to turn green.

Lily sharply inhaled. "James-" she hissed.


Harry ended up vomiting his breakfast on Sirius' new leather jacket. The man slowly turned to face Lily, outstretching Harry, so that if he were to puke once more, he would do it on the floor and not him. Lily's look hardened, giving both men an 'I-told-you-so' look before she went to take Harry from Sirius' arms to clean him up. "Let's go, baby," she cooed, noticing how Harry was about to cry. "Let's get you away before your godfather decides to give us both a heart attack."

"I'm not that bad!" Sirius called out, only to grimace when he noticed that part of the milk Harry had drank that morning was now on his hair. "Ew. Gross." Sirius rolled his eyes when he heard some snickering behind him as he tried to clean himself up with some tissues.

James whistled to get Sirius's attention. "Use your wand, genius."

"Shut it, I was getting to that!"

"Sure," James grinned.

Sirius was about to say the first thing that came to his mind, but bit his tongue when James raised a finger, hearing a light knock at the door. Sirius groaned, directing his attention back to his ruined jacket.


Sirius jerked his head high at the sound of the marauder name. He was quick to clean himself, even though the smell of spoiled milk lingered on, so when he heard Remus step in, he went to hide in the kitchen to set some charms on himself.

"Oh, Wormtail," James called out, closing the front door. "Fancy for you to join us."

"Yes, I brought the boy a gi-"

"Moony!" Sirius tucked his wand back in his pocket before running to Remus; this was the first time the Marauders were together ever since the Potters found out about the prophecy, and Sirius very much missed his old school friend. Remus was quick to hug Sirius back. "Padfoot, you old bastard." He tightened his grip on the animagius.

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