Part XXVIII: A Bond.

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"Let me tell you this: if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it's not because they enjoy solitude. It's because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them."

                                        ~ Jodi Picoult, My Sister's Keeper

The first day of school did not go as he had guessed it to. Although Severus Snape had predictably made an attempt to discredit Harry's knowledge, he proved him to be actually a brilliant student. He had certainly managed to leave an impression on Malfoy and Hermione Granger. Later for lunch, Hermione would sum up the courage to approach the Slytherin table, where Herry sat by himself for the time being. He took small bites from his meal as he studied for his next encounter with Riddle.

Daphne and Malfoy walked side by side, Daphne dragging Malfoy by the arm to ensure he could not dictate where they sat. Daphne took a seat next to Harry, Malfoy next to her. Their meal appeared in front of them, roasted bird with mashed potatoes, roasted green beans, with a side tray of sliced apples.

"Say, Potter," said Malfoy, taking a bite from his food. "What's that book you're reading?"

"Potions." From the corner of his eye, he noticed a small figure rocking on the balls of her feet. He set his book down to look at the timid girl standing just at the edge of the table, where he stood. "Hello," he said with the calmest voice he could muster. "Hermione Granger, is it?"

The girl nodded. "Um, well yes. I'm Hermione."

"Gryffindor," Malfoy grumbled. "You must be lost, Granger. Your house is the one with the red, not green; we colorblind now?"

Daphne nudged Malfoy in his ribcage, which he did not appreciate. He prepared himself for another weaponized sentence, but decided to bite his tongue after he took a look at Harry's face. It did not demonstrate any form of content.

Hermione shrank further into her robes. "Actually," she mumbled out. Today did not go as she had expected. Firstly, she was unable to speak her knowledge, secondly, when she was called upon to speak and showcase her knowledge, she was ridiculed for it. This was her last attempt to fit in to this school that seemed like it could not wait until she graduated. "I am in the right place."

"What is it," Harry asked, inviting Hermione to sit beside him, which made even Daphne uneasy. It was their first year, much less, their first day. Harry was pushing on what was socially allowed in Hogwarts, and allowing for a rival house to sit where only Slytherin sat was not looked up upon by the older students of the house. Yet, Hermione sat down beside Harry, and even took a slice from his bowl of sliced apples after he had invited her to in order to make her feel more comfortable with herself.

"I," she took a deep breath. "Well, you seem to have understood professor Snape's lesson, but I could not quite grasp it. Potentilla...its not in the potions book. How did you know that without that flower, a wolf's cannot create a potion that makes their bite poisonous."

Experience. Harry sweetly smiled to her. "Not everything is in books, Hermione." Daphne stared at the boy, shock in her eyes. He spoke to the girl with tenderness, something Daphne could tell that he did not do to anyone, or would plan to do ever in Hogwarts. "Sometimes, you have to put the book down...when my parents left, I was in the hands of...a tutor. He travels, and meets new people on each of his travels. He has taught me what he has learned from various tribes, especially werewolves. To him, these creatures are the ones that should be learned of the most."

"But how did he know?"

Harry suppressed his laugh, since it was humorous to him. "Did not tell." That was a lie. He had. Riddle had used a muggle that would die either way as his experiment. He died, not from the bite, but Riddle himself. His experiment was successful, but werewolves could not be trusted; they held more loyalty to their own kind than a wizard that is known for disliking magical creatures. "But," he said, knowing Hermione's thoughts. "If you are curious, I can show you how it is done given that Snape's lesson was only hypothetical."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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