First Chapter: The Tale with The Partial Truth.

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"Life and death. They are somehow sweetly and beautifully mixed, but I don't know how."

~ Gloria Swanson

In a time when men had not yet procreated with beasts, Life too had a body. It had a face of beauty, hair of flowers and grasses, it portrayed the woman - gentle, frail, caretaker, love. Life diverted from Death in every possible way. Once, it too, had made a mistake like Death. However, unlike Death, the mistake had proven far too big for it to remain physical. Now, Life habited everything, converted to nothing.

But it is still there. It still holds consciousness. It was there when Death attempted to trick the three brothers. Life felt its magic be manipulated by its companion. When the day came and Death encountered three brothers, Life was there.

When the eldest - a foolish man who adored confrontation - asked for a wand like no other; a wand that would win each duel it came across, and Death fashioned a wand from the branch of the elder tree, a part of Death was torn and latched on to Life's realm for a reason: the Elder tree was alive. Death and Life were not meant to intertwine like they did that day.

The veil revealed itself for an instant when Death converted a simple pebble to the Resurrection Stone for the second brother who'd wished for this artifact in order to mock and taunt the entity. Life, for the first time in a long time, felt as if it pocessed a physical body, feeling every part of itself burn once the second elder brother chose to use such an artifact to bring back his beloved.

And when the second brother asked for something to allow him to slip away without Death being able to follow, Life felt as if being forced out of the last brother, for Death's cloak tainted him and too, hid him from Life and what it had to offer. He became a phantom. A part of Life kept him safe from Death - but only slightly.

Death's actions were a taint on both entities, a mistake in need of fixing. So Life removed itself from the first brother, allowing for Death to come before he became too powerful to use his brain for something more than bragging. While Death collected a soul, Life made sure to allow things to flow through, and the wand be stolen. Next, the second brother was found. Life was almost forced to a physical form when the brother called for his past lover (devolving such entity). But Life did not allow for a piece of itself to latch on to what had already been kissed by Death; so she, unable to feel the entity like before, sought out Death and asked to be taken back. The brother, tainted by what his beloved had become in this realm, took it upon himself to meet her in the place lost souls tend to wander.

The stone was hidden from Death by Life, afraid of what its counterpart might do.

At last, the third brother lived on, Life was in his family like a caretaker, but neither it or Death could quite touch the younger of the three Peverell brothers until his mind and body could no longer withstand living between Life and Death, yet hidden. So he offered his cloak to his son as a gift and took Death's hand with a kind smile.

As if it were his old friend, he allowed the entity to take him.

But Life, unable to voice itself out, knew this was not the end. The Hallows were still roaming in its realm. Death now latched on to its realm. It could not take back what it'd created without completely disintegrating itself like Life; before letting its magic loose and destroying Life itself. To take it all back, what Life resided, needed to have done certain things and willingly hand it back, for if it didn't, Death would remain trapped in things it could, and couldn't do.

Life feared the things this would bring. When Death is near, chaos sprouts from Life.

For a long time it did not - until Harry Potter interrupted the destiny Life had written to him, by introducing himself to Lord Voldemort.

Now Voldemort was aware.

Now who were meant to live would fall, and those fallen, would meet fates worse than Death.

Start of Chapter Two.

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