Part V: An Unforeseen Incident.

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"A few years ago, the city council of Monza, Italy, barred pet owners from keeping goldfish in curved bowls... saying that it is cruel to keep a fish in a bowl with curved sides because, gazing out, the fish would have a distorted view of reality. But how do we know we have the true, undistorted picture of reality?"

~Stephen Hawking

Harry had not thought of the setbacks interacting with the Greengrass family would bring. At the moment, he was trapped. He did not know where the damned bag with his needed ingredients had gone, he was tied down by Daphne in the living room. She had Lennox and Harry on the floor, drinking imaginary tea while Daria set the magical trace.

Only a couple of minutes passed before Daphne had grown bored of her tea party and went to one of her rooms, and dragged out a box of puzzle pieces. Lennox took this opportunity to ask one of his house elves to bring him a copy of the daily prophet and a cup of actual tea and chocolate biscuits.

"Thanks, Al."

"Yeah," Grumbled the house elf, disappearing with a snap of his fingers.

Lennox stuffed his face with biscuits before looking down to the two toddlers looking at him with curious looks. He swallowed thickly. "Right," he mumbled, setting the plate of biscuits on the ground. "Care for some?"

Daphne clapped and giggled in delight. She took the plate from her father's grasp, bringing it to the center of the room for her and Harry to share. Harry, though he didn't want to stay any longer than he had to, decided to give the biscuits a try. He was instantly smitten by the treat and ended up fighting Daphne for the last few.

If it wasn't for the shuffling of heels, Harry would have forgotten why he had snuck in the residence into the first place. Daria walked back in with a small vile at hand. The liquid inside was a strange shade of blue, which bubbled. It resembled acid, like it could eat your skin if you were to touch it.

"Alright, dear-" As Daria walked in, Lennox unfolded the newspaper, opening it up without bothering to read the front page. "Time to find your parents," Daria finished, taking Harry's attention. He looked up to the woman, who was beginning to stretch her arms to pick him up, but from the corner of his eye, Harry caught a glimpse of something that was not right- something that should have never happened. Harry stood up, and like a perfect little gentleman, strode to the couch Lennox had sat in. He climbed up the man's leg, and sat up on his lap.

Both adults blinked at that.

Daphne disintegrated the tension by giggling and clapping her arms. She crawled to her father's side and grunted until Lennox set his newspaper down to pick her up. This gave Harry the opportunity to read the front page.

Twenty Muggles Killed under Death Eater Terrorism.

On the night of Hallowe'en , 1981, pureblood wizards, Remus Lupin along with Sirius Black, casted the Blasting Curse, killing Twenty Muggles and a wizard by the name of Peter Pettigrew.

According to witnesses, moments before the blast, Pettigrew accused Black and Lupin for forming an alliance with the dark wizard, Voldemort. Hearing he would be turned in, Lupin drew out his wand and casted a heightened Blasting Curse, not only killing Pettigrew, but twenty muggles surrounding the area.

Whilst, both wizards are being held responsible, not only for the massacre and treason to the ministry, but also the disappearance of the Potter family.

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