Part XXVI: Hogwarts...Again

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"Sometimes, love deserves a replay."


Perhaps he had stepped into a different reality. Perhaps the muggle world was not as beautiful as he had tricked himself into believing. Perhaps...just maybe, Riddle occluded the light that met his eyes when he stepped through the barrier and into platform 9¾. He had become isolated for almost nine years. The only light that met his eyes was that he received whenever the windows to the manor were open because he could not handle the feeling of being trapped—no matter how spacious the manor was. The child in him is still believed to be trapped inside the cupboard under the stairs. The voices of various people at once, screams of children racing each other, the train's churning, and mothers weeping all hit his ears like a seismic wave. He liked the silence; he'd grown accustomed to it. Like Riddle, loud incoherent noise disturbed his peace.

Harry knew he couldn't stand by the wall for too long; he would risk being knocked out. And he was. He was knocked out off his feet, and both Hedwig and his suitcase slipped from his grasp. He felt another body land on his back. Vibrant strands of orange covered his eyes, causing him to launch up due to the sudden incident. "Merlin!" said a girl, her brown eyes widening. Her pale, freckled face gained a pink color. "Are you alright, let me help?" As Harry covered and made sure Hedwig was okay, the girl went for his suitcase.

"Oh my," she muttered, pulling the suitcase up to her chest. "Do you got nothing in this thing?" Harry's eyes narrowed. She took note of this, which is why her face turned even redder. "Sorry. " At her muttering apology, Harry's attention was truly brought to the girl—and Harry's anger subsided. Her hair was different, ruffled, and wild, but it was alright. It reflected her personality.

A smile spread across his lips, one that was a little too familiar with the one he did not know Riddle sparked. "I didn't mean to hit you," she said. "My brothers just pulled a sour joke on my brother. I went to get him sweets, and didn't see you there." Her explanation was erratic and rushed. Harry did not feel any pettiness, just joy, until his eyes followed her gaze to the broken lollipop on the ground. "It doesn't matter." She shook her head. "I'm Ginny, apart from being sorry."

Harry's grin disappeared. "Harry," he replied.

"You going to Hogwarts?" Ginny handed him his suitcase.

Harry nodded.

"My brothers are all there, Ron—he's the youngest of the bunch—is heading there too. You got any siblings?"


"Oh, well what about your parents? My mum's there suffocating my brothers." She pointed at the short round woman with vibrant red hair hugging a tall lean boy with equally red hair.


"Oh..." Her smile dropped in an instant. Harry believed she would vanish among the crowd, but she stayed. She stayed and Harry realized she was not his Ginny. "Wanna meet my mum?"

"I'm okay."


Ginny walked Harry to one of the opened doors on the side of the train. While he continued to enter the train whose engine warned of its close departure, Ginny tapped his hand. "I shouldn't have been intrusive, I'm sorry." She launched herself forwards, wrapping her arms around his neck. Harry stumbled back, eyes wide; empty. "Because you're alone," she muttered once she pulled away. Her face began to redden even more. "On behalf of your parents."

And just like she appeared, she vanished among the crowd.

As suddenly as he had received her touch, it was gone. It was forgotten from his skin like a ghost. A ghost that reminded him of her. Harry forced himself to make his way down the aisle until he came across an empty cart. Hedwig, upon being unveiled, ruffled her feathers. Harry muttered a small apology (like the bird could comprehend) before hiding her back under the black cloth and letting her sleep.

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