Part XVIV: Calm Before the Storm.

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"Now I have to remember you for longer than I have known you." 

                                                    ~ C.C. Aurel  

Many things changed after the trial. Lennox, to see his debt paid, decided to gather 500,000 Galleons from his vault and deliver them to the auror headquarters anonymously. Remus was put under house arrest a week later as Lennox attempted to sway the Wizengamot to allow him to search the Weasley residence. While he was tied to this, Harry had problems of his own to take care of. It seemed like Bellatrix was more of a nuisance than expected. Her investigation on the Gringotts break-in was beginning to interfere with Daria's importance. He was fond of her and her family, but the only reason she was still around was for the things she would do for him. If Daria could not aid his dirty work, what was the use of having her around?

As the days passed, any and all hope to find Black before Bellatrix grew slimmer. Death Eater raids became more common. Little battles stretched out until the first casualty of them took effect. When December came, the first proven Death Eaters were sent to the Death Chamber, where they were executed in the masses. By the start of the new year, Voldemort had completely vanished. There was no sight of him. Any rampage that took place was by his Death Eaters - a man by the name of Enyo Perses calling the shots on behalf of the Dark Lord. This had the Minister at edge. Britain could not fall under Dark Magic. Italy had, if Britain did, a domino effect would be in place. But how could the island save itself if its enemy refused to make his intentions known?

By mid-January, Harry's nerves were on the edge. Things were not going the way he hoped. Daria had begun to show, hitting Lennox with a tough reality. With the growing danger all around, he had persisted for Daria to go on leave for the remaining three months. Without her there, Harry could not keep as much of a careful eye on Bellatrix as he hoped. Death, already tasked with looking out for Remus, could not help him. Hence him standing here, outside the Lestrange Manor with scaring, blood covered arms, and clutching the locket that refused to shut up.


10, January 1982

Daphne scurried to the center of the library where Harry sat with her dancing crayons and eternal sketchbook she'd been gifted for Christmas.  Her colorful crayons followed behind her until she plopped down beside the boy. They each fell and rolled to the edge of the book as she pulled it open and a new sheet of loose leaf appeared. "Mownin' gwump," she said with a gentle smile. Harry snapped his head for a brief moment and patted her head before going back to reviewing his plan.

Not wanting to be ignored, the girl slid as close as she could like a cat purring to be petted. Harry sighed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, ignoring the shouts from the room above. "'awy?"

"Yes, flower?"

"Gwam says Mwiser Remy's bad-"

The trial had gotten more attention than Lennox hoped thanks to Bellatrix. Journalists from the Quibbler and The Daily Prophet especially had their attention set on Ministry v. Lupin. If this one closed with success, Remus and Sirius would be cleared completely. For now, however, Remus was on house arrest and Sirius on the run. Each news outlet made sure to state who represented him and where he lived, which is why Lennox insisted he be moved to a residence of his only a couple of kilometers away from the Greengrass residence restored to hold a werewolf during a full moon.

"Mister Remy is not a bad guy," Harry answered in a soft whisper as his fingers gently combed the soft white hair. He stared into the girl's beautiful stormy red-like eyes and as he did, he recalled the one thing that had stayed with him throughout his life, throughout the loss and despair. "He is just a guy who bad things have happened to. Everyone is good and bad, it is just a matter of where you lean to."

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