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Aang's actually not too big on kissing. He's a very intimate person, but isn't too big on PDA other than holding hands and pet names. so when he kisses you, it'll most likely be sweet and intimate, as its a slightly rare occasion. The first few times he kissed you, he was a little flustered afterwards, but eventually, he grew past that and would kiss you proudly no matter where the two of you were or who the two of you were with. His kisses are probably all intense to some degree, so full of love that its hard to break away sometimes.

He just adores you so much, and he doesn't want to be lazy when it comes to letting you know it


Sokka is a big fan of kisses. He'll kiss you nearly any chance he can get, and he'll pepper them anywhere across you're body. Whatever's accessible at the time, mostly. He is not shy at all when it comes to PDA, to the point that sometimes you have to distract him to keep him from loving all over you at inappropriate times. His kisses can be anywhere on the spectrum, going from light and playful kisses to deep and lustful ones in seconds. 

He has a lot of love to give, and he is not afraid of showing it.


Katara is somewhere in between Sokka and Aang's levels of kissing. They're not as frequent and all over the place as Sokka's, but she's definitely a lot more playful and relaxed than Aang. She always asks, too, or at least waits for some kind of motion that tells her she can go ahead and kiss you. How she kisses is entirely dependent on her mood. If she's excited or happy about something, she'll give you the deepest, most romantic kisses you could think of. If she's feeling playful and mischevious, she'll plant them lightly wherever she can. If she's feeling a little down, she'll just hold you and let you do the kissing.

She's always there for everybody else, and she's so lucky you'll be there for her.


Toph is not that big on kissing or PDA in general. Her idea of a "public display of affection" is punching you. Not like you can't handle that anyway. The closest thing to PDA for Toph would be holding onto you and letting you lead her across places where she can't see with her feet. She trusts that you'll lead her wherever you need to go safely, and that's not something she can say about a lot of people. Toph will most likely not get super affectionate with you unless you two had complete and total privacy. She'll use her hands to feel around your face, taking a moment to appreciate your features before kissing you, just once, sweetly on the lips. 

She may be tough, but she's definitely got a soft spot for you.


While it may come as a surprise to some people, Zuko is actually pretty big on kissing and PDA in general. He's not exactly light with his kisses either, so expect a lot frequent, passionate kisses from him. You believe Zuko has this silent rule for himself where he has to be touching you twenty four/seven, because anytime he's not kissing you, he's holding your hand. Even if you're out in public or at a really important meeting with his advisor's, he'll hand we'll always be on yours. Your hands are also his favorite part of your body to kiss, him often lifting up to his lips and kissing it just to remind you how much he loves you.

Protect Zuko at all costs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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