Hahaoya's Prophecy

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Once I was fully dressed, I headed back down stairs. I had on a big blue-ish sweat shirt where the sleeves were too big for my arms. I also found baggy grey pants with rims at the bottom and wore slippers on my feet. I found all of these clothes in the closet, they were all clean and had a hint of a familiar fresh outdoor smell to it.

Ryo handed me a mug of warm tea as all four of us sat down around a low table in the middle of the room.

"Sorry about that little incident..." Hiroki started.

Even though I was still scarred for life, I tried to shake it off and smiled. "It's okay, it was my fault for being so air-headed."

"The reason why that man was here was because he was trying to steal our powers from us." Ryo informed with a solemn expression. "It was Greed. There are countless men and women in this world exactly like Greed that try to take away power from us to use for their own selfish purposes. They can never get enough, even if they've used up all the power in the world they would still want more."

"That's horrible." I frowned.

Ryo nodded. "We were very fortunate for your oblivious nature this time."

"Greed nearly sucked our powers right out of us! If you hadn't made such a dramatic entrance, we would have all been goners." Akihiro seemed to be joking, but it was actually the truth.

Still trying to forget that experience, I changed the subject. "...But why? Why would they want your powers?" I asked feeling clueless.

"That, would be something for Hahaoya to explain." Hiroki said.

Just as I was wondering who Hahaoya was, at the far end of the room appeared a faint spark of light that began to grow and get brighter by each passing second. Eventually, that light formed into a tall graceful woman with long flowing hair and an elegant glowing gown. Her eyes opened to reveal the colors of the cosmos, along with all the knowledge and beauty that went with it.

The light around her began to fade and she gently landed on the ground as if she were just a normal person.

"Greetings my children." She spoke in a sothing tone.

"Yo Hahaoya!" Akihiro spoke to the immortal being casually as I just sat there with my mouth wide open in awe. Ryo shook his head probably thinking Akihiro was being rude or too disrespectful but Hahaoya didn't seem to mind.

Hahaoya laughed. "Hello Akihiro, I see you three have found a replacement element." She said looking towards me.

"Oh...uh...hi!" I smiled weakly.

"That's Kazami." Hiroki spoke for me.

"Very nice to meet you Kazami. I'm so glad you're able to join this team, but may I worn you it is not an easy task, to be an elementalist. Especially a Mystical Elementalist."

So many questions were over-flooding my head right now as I noticed how confused I really was. So I just spat out the truth. "If you don't mind me asking...What's the difference between an Elementalist and a Mystical Elementalist? What's up with that Greed guy? What happened to the last air element? How did this all even happen so quickly? I honestly don't even know what is happening right now!!!...I am very confused." I looked down in shame.

But unlike most people, Hahaoya didn't seem annoyed with my abundant curiosity. She smiled gently and said, "I understand, it must be very hard for you to comprehend this all right now, it is for most. So I will teach you about elements from the very beginning and hopefully all you're questions will be answered."

I nodded as the room around me faded away, along with the boys and the table. Only Hahaoya stayed the same as the background shifted to match the words of her story.

"At the beginning of time, God created the Universe, he created many planets and stars. One particular planet was different from the rest though, few planets were actually choosen to hold true life, but one was choosen to hold magic. There were five elements that assisted our God in the creation of our world. Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and the most scarce of elements, Spirit.

As these elements built the world of good and beauty, there was a dark immortal that became jealous of the five elementalists beautiful magical world.

When the elements had finally finished there master piece it was breath-taking. The skies blue and painted with fluffy clouds of all sorts of shapes and sizes, the ground full with green grass, vibrant flowers, and strong plants and trees. The water sparkling as clear as can be. And different colored fire warming sacred temples and blazing beauty. All that was left to add was spirit, as the spirit element aided God in creating wonderful, magical, and beautiful people, animals, and spirits for plants to live in this beautiful world.

But with his rising jealousy, the dark immortal tried to create a beautiful world of its own, but couldn't It decided that if he couldn't have a complete beautiful world, then no one could. It plagued the people of the element's world with a horrible dark side. Infecting them with greed and hatred.

Yet, the five main elements noticed the people's sudden darkness and how they were ruining the beautiful world they created. It seemed every world the creator had tried to make perfect, this ended up hapeening. It broke his heart that all that work and love they put into this world was being destroyed, so he and elemental angels sent half immortal beings down to be guardians of nature. These people were gifted with elemental powers each unique from the next.

The elementalist were generous enough to make a peace treaty with the people. The people could use some of there resources, but they could not pass their own borders.

The people obeyed at first and began to build cities and start businesses using the resources they were given. They ran out quickly and demanded more.

The element's refused, so one day a man influenced and possessed by these dark feelings went out to capture an Earth element. She struggled to break free but he used machinery which weakened her powers. He then sucked the power right out of her, giving him the power for his on greedy desires and leaving the Earth element to slowly fade away and die. It was horrible and tragic, but ever since then many greed-infected people have been doing the same awful thing, some even torturing elements for fun.

The people easily placed themselves above the elements, becoming dominating over most of the world. But it wasn't their faults. It was the immortal greed who had been influencing them. And that greed and heartlessness has been growing ever since.

That is why Mystical Elements have been introduced. These elements were born to be guardians of nature, but also to help each other and rid of the increasing greed once and for all. And this team of mystical elements that you have joined Kazami, is the one that will complete the prophecy."

Reality suddenly swirled back around me as my head gradually lost the dizzy feeling as if I had just awoke from a dream. "I think I get it now." I said calmly sipping the tea I had been given. "But how are we supposed to defeat the Greed?

Akihiro snorted as if about to make some irrelevant remark.

"Without taking our clothes off!" I added quickly.

"That is for you to discover. Good luck Mystical Elements, may the Light guide you."

And with that, Hahaoya suddenly started rising and illuminating Light again as she slowly faded away, leaving all of us breathless and deep in thought.

And just to think this whole story so far happened in one day! O-o


That night, I could hardly sleep at all. To many questions and dreams spinning through my head and opening my eyes every time I tried to close them. Eventually, around mid-night I was still awake when I heard a beautiful lullaby being sung by a girl outside. It sounded nice, and it took me awhile before I realized it was a little strange for a girl to be outside alone at midnight.

My curiousity once again took charge as I rushed out of bed to discover who the beautiful lullaby voice belonged to.

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