Inner Hero

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With quick animal-like reflexes, Chikyuto turned around and blocked me from what ever danger was approaching as soon as someone warned him from the distance. Following his command, a thick, durable tree trunk bursted through the ground in front of us. The ground was trembling even harder causing me to almost fall down if I wasn't hanging on to Chikyuto. The ogre-goblin  nearly caught us off guard, it started hurdling towards us fiercely, both spiked clubs in its hands ready to kill. My heart was beating out of my chest with every horrible second it took to reach us, almost as if it couldn't take the danger anymore and was ready to explode.

Before I could process the moment, The ogre-goblin was right in front of us. Ramming into Chikyuto's tree with both it's clubs causing it to snap apart as if it was only a mere twig.

Chikyuto grunted in pain,  giving it all he had left to shot more sharp stone from out of the ground, but the monster only smashed them to pieces until Chikyuto barley had any more power left to fight. He suddenly gained a bronze sword in on hand and charged towards the beast.

"Stay there!" He called back to me through breaths. "Everyone! Weapon Strike!" He shouted as loud as he could. Everyone in the distance obediently  followed his lead, even the stubborn Shukko who usually hated being told what to do. They all leaped into the air as their weapons formed and charged for a powerful attack in their grip. Lights swirled around them as they each shouted out the same words simultaneously.


Each person launched towards the roaring ogre-goblin, their weapons shining with powerful burst as they stuck into the ogre's body...

But it didn't explode like you would expect from such a powerful blow, instead it seemed to give the ogre more power. It blew an awful thick gas from out of it's nostrils and  crashed on to the ground with its body and heavy clubs repeatedly hitting the broken ground until all he other heroes were flung to the wall in a way that looked extremely painful.

And that was the last of anything I saw when the thick fog dominated over my vision.

What am I going to do? I panicked with in my mind, dropping to the floor and curling up into a quivering ball. Seishin, Ika, Koneko....Chikyuto...They were only my friends for a short 30 minutes and they could all already be dead right now! And it was all my fault for being a stupid cry-baby!"

I suddenly glanced to the side as something caught my eye, the smoke cleared away and from a not to far away distance, I could make out the figure of a guy with tan skin and messy light-brown hair, motionless and toppled over by broken fragments of the wall.

In other words; he was... gone...

My eyes opened wide in fear as I stood up, my knees shaking to the point where I thought I would fall over again, and my heart over-flooding with pained emotion, audible for the world to hear. I was paralyzed. Horrified. Lost and in defeat. He was dead and I was just going to stand here and cry about it.

Another tear rolled down my cheek, a flashback of Chikyuto's powerful words appeared into my head. My hands curled up into a tight fist and I narrowed my eyes on the silhouette of the monster through the fog.

Chikyuto wouldn't want me to be afraid. He believed in me. He had faith that I could be strong no matter how weak and afraid I was. Chikyuto would want me to fight with all the effort and triumph I could give into it!

And I wasn't about to let his death go to waste.

I closed my eyes in determination, watching images of swirling lines form into my head. I felt power. Energy. Wind. Courage, surging from my heart and throughout my body. Without even realizing, I lifted up into the air as the wind rapidly swirled around me. Faster. Harder. Stronger. I unleashed everything I had as the wind furiously grew, howling through the damp cell and rushing around uncontrollably.

I was a hero.

I never even realized it, yet I had it within me all along.


Chikyuto's POV

My whole body throbbing with pain, I slowly opened my eyes and struggled up. I was achy and numb all over but I managed to push the wall fragments off of me and sit up, trying to take in everything that just happened. I remembered the monster, how it some how gained even more power and shot us all away. The others should be fine, we've all gained high-resistance to injury, but only one should still be standing and the monster was most likely after her at that very second.

"KAZAMI!" I shouted through the fog, getting up in concern. Nothing happened for a long period of time and my worry only grew worse...

Then all of the blinding fog was whisped away. I spotted everyone else, finally up and looking towards the same direction of the room. I followed their gazes spotting a girl with long flowing pink hair, rising upwards while wind chaotically started shooting out of her aura.

"Could that be?" I whispered in astonishment. "...Kazami."

The winds grew stronger, uncontrollably whirling around through the air knocking everyone against the wall again, but the majority of the wind blast was aimed at the ogre-goblin, crashing it against the wall as hard as it did to us before, and forcing it to stay put.

Kazami opened her eyes revealing a shining white glow as she effortlessly glided closer towards the ogre-goblin.

"This is for my friends you horrible monster!" She cried gritting her teeth as she lifted her arms swiftly towards the side and the wind changed paths. "This is what you get for killing them for no reason!!!"

"WIND WHIRL SLAM!" She cried out as loud as I've ever heard her. The monster was swung against the floor at amazing speed and force, almost as the furious winds were grabbing hold of it and pushing it against the floor with all the strength in the world.

"Everyone now!" I cried through the chaotic winds as the dazed students around the room nodded, getting out their weapons again and leaping into the strong winds.

"MULTI-WEAPON STRIKE!!!" We all screamed even louder to be heard over the howls of the skies. Again, we all launched down at the trampled monster with our weapons aiming right at it, colliding right into it's body, one second of unbelievable pride and everything exploded before us in a blinding exaggerated light.

The winds died down and came to a sudden calm halt. Everyone landed to the ground panting as the explosion shrunk into a tiny spark. The room now returning to a monster-less empty cell.

A moment of silent remained as we all watched Kazami. She was still stuck floating in the air as her aura fainted. Her eyes slowly closed and she weakly started descending down to the ground.

As if all of the cheery life and spirit she once held, was sucked out of her completely...

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