In an Alternate Dimension

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Instinctively, I shot open my eyes and quickly sat up with an alarming caution.

"Uh...What is this? Where am I!? Who am I?!" I cried out into the world around me. I was surrounded in tall white fluffy grass. It was soft and comforting, almost lile a giant fluffy pillow. The sky sheltered me from above. Painting an enchanting ceiling of vibrant shaped clouds, bright purples, blues, pinks, and two giant beautiful moons and sparkling stars shining through the atmosphere.

The wind was rapidly yet calming blowing against me in the fluffy grass, causing my wild light pink hair to move around freely and blow into my face. I spat it out and whipped it back in place as I stood up and spun around in complete astonishment. This place was amazing, like some enchanting scene from a fairy tale or fantasy story! I took tiny steps through the dancing fluffy fields as I looked up into the starry moon-lite skies. Something about this place was just so calming, and it would have put me to peace if I wasn't so eager to explore it...

And if I wasn't the only one there...

I took another step as I stared around my self in awe, unaware that something must have been hiding in the fluffy grass.

"Ah!" I shrieked, lifting my foot away from the ground in a quick reaction before I could hurt it, I stared down at it to get a closer look. It was a little animal!

"Oh! I am SO Sorry! Are you okay?! I'm sorry! I'm sorrrrrry!" I apologized in extreme shame.

"Hey! Can't you give a little guy some space?!" It snapped back in an insanely adorable voice, I couldn't help but to giggle.

"What are you laughing at?" It dared, floating up to me with its apple-sized wings. I finally was able to get a better look at this amazing creature. It was about half the size of a baseball bat with a red panda cub-like body with a long fluffy tail, white fur and amber markings. Its face was big in comparison to its body and it had adorable dark brown eyes. Even when it was increasingly furious it was adorable.

"I'm sorry I almost stepped on you." I apologized again and even more meaningfully. "I giggled because you are so cute! I've never seen anything so cute in my life! I would have been so sad if I hurt you! Are you okay?"

The little creature sighed almost as if it was annoyed. "Yeah, I'm fine..." Then it looked at me, almost as if it was realizing something wit what ever went on in its cute little mind. It flew around me, observing me and taking in every aspect of my appearance.

Finally, It turned to me and spoke. "You wouldn't happen to be Kazami Mitsuko, would you?" It questioned perking its ears up in curiosity.

I thought, trying hard to remember but  couldn't quite grasp it. In fact, I couldn't quite remember anything about myself or my past.

"I think so..." I replied hesitantly. "Yeah, I think I am!"

The winged red panda flew up higher so that I had to look up to it. It made a solider solute and introduced himself. "Kazami Mitsuko, elemental of air, I am Yoso, guardian of the elemental." He dramatically spoke. He was so adorable when he was pretending to be a guardian! "I am here to guide you through the world of Animeko, and aid you in your journey."

"Sweet!" I exclaimed joyfully. "I'm an air elemental!"

"Yes!" Yoso nodded "Now come on! We have to get you enrolled in the magical academy!"

Yoso grabbed me by my shirt and soared into the air while I hung from underneath. I had to admit, I was alittle scared he would drop me, (especially after I nearly squashed his tail) But hey, I was too excited about the last thin he mentioned.

"I'm going to a magical academy!?" I cried out with pure joy, lifting my arms up in excitement. "Yay!!!"

And so, my journey in the alternate dimension of Animeko began.

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