Chapter Six: First Day

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Everyone looks at my dad as we sat in silence at the table. Dad looks at mom. "Esme I just don't think--" Mom interrupts him, "She'll be fine. Things are different now. That was years ago, besides, she would have to call everyday to check in. Right Mia?" I looked at mom and nodded. Everyone waited in silence to hear my fathers answer. His jaw tightens a bit and he sighs. "Fine..," he said sternly. Everyone continued eating and the rest of the evening along with the weekend became a blur.



It was finally the first day I start my internship. I was abit nervous and excited at the same time. I made my way downstairs going to grab my keys until my dad stopped me. "I need to get to my internship-" I said. I looked at my dad and he had a raised eyebrow. Uncle Dante walked in and stood beside him. "No way, seriously?" I said disappointed.

"You'll have the men take you to your internship and bring you back home," said Dad. I rubbed my temples and felt completely aggravated. "So what? Uncle Dante is going to wait there until my shift is over?" I whined. Uncle Dante and Dad looked at each other. I obviously knew the answer to that question. I don't even know why the hell I asked. Annoyed, I walked passed my dad, brushing him. Uncle Dante followed behind me a little after.

As we drove to my internship, I blankly stared out the window. "Mia, you know your father is only trying to protect you," said Uncle Dante as he broke the silence. My attention was still focused towards the window. "Uncle Dante, it isn't fair. I'm a grown woman, and that has happened ages ago," I said as I sulked. "It isn't easy being a Mafia leader, especially with a family and his family is his number one priority. You'll understand when you have kids of your own someday," he replied. We started to slow down as we pulled up towards the building.

"Yeah.. That's if I ever make it to that point. Thanks for the ride though," I said as I hopped out the black SUV. I headed into the building and checked in with the front desk. "Miss Salvatore, Mr. Moretti would like to see you in his office right away," said the woman at the front desk. I gave a warm smile and nodded. Heading up to the 15th floor, the nerves started to kick in.

Honestly, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sweating a bit. The elevator doors opened and I walked out to find Mateo sitting at his desk. He was on the phone. Seemed like an important call. He looked at me and waved me to come sit. I quickly, but quietly made my way over to him and sat in the chair. "I don't care if Borrelli Corp wants to close the deal Dominic! I specifically told those bastards we get 70% of the profits! FIX IT OR THEY CAN FUCKING WALK!" yelled Mateo as he slammed the phone down.

I slightly flinched. He sighed as he leaned back into his chair. He looked at me as the pitch darkness once in his eyes began to soften. I felt a small lump in my throat. "Miss Salvatore," he called out. I quickly swallowed. "You said you wanted to see me?" I asked in a small voice. Suddenly the sound of foot steps caught my attention. In walked a tall gentleman, well dressed with hair tousled. "Right on schedule," said Mateo as he got out his chair and walked towards the gentleman.

"Mia, this is Axle Reyez. He's going to help show you the ropes around here along with introducing you to the rest of the staff members," introduced Mateo. Axle shook my hand as he welcomed me. Mateo's cell phone began to rang. He took it out and looked at it. "Can you take it from here Axle? I gotta answer this call," said Mateo. Axle nodded. "C'mon Mia, let me show you around," he said.

I got up and went about with Axle. "Welcome to Moretti Towers Mia. I hope that you'll officially become apart of the family here after your internship, but that all depends on you," said Axle. "I hope so too. This is actually a big deal for me, working for one of the biggest, well known companies in the entire world," I added. Axle laughed. "Indeed. Let's meet the gang, shall we?" he said. I nodded.

Axle took me to another office space where a few others hung out. "Hey guys! Meet our new intern, Mia," introduced Axle. Everyone gave me a warm welcome. "Mia, that's Ivan Sanchez. He's the muscle of this company and Head of Security," started Axle. "Natasha Singh is our best, persuasive Marketer and also our work place Gossip Queen," he continued. The others and I began laugh. "That's Rose Petrocelli, our accountant and math nerd. Wanna talk numbers? She's your girl," Axle carried on. "And finally, Dominic. He's the legal system guy," he ended.

"Legal system?" I added. "He's the lawyer for Moretti Towers, but he's out doing a deal. You'll meet him much later," said Rose. (Hmm.. Must be the guy that Mateo was talking to over the phone earlier.) I turned to Axle, "So what is your job?" I asked. Axle puts his hands behind his head. "I'm the whiz kid," he said. "Oh, puh-leeeeease," said Natasha. "He's the computer nerd," she added. I giggled. "Computer tech, huh?" I said. Axle smirked and chuckled. "Pretty much," he replied.

"So-" said Ivan, struggling to remember my name. "Mia. Mia Salvatore," I reminded him. They all gasped. "No fucking shit. You're related to Luca Salvatore? The one who owns Giovanni's?" he asked, surprised. I nodded. Everyone's reaction was shockingly, positive. "Well I'll be damned," said Rose. "Omg, your father's restaurant is amazing! The food there is magnificent!" added Natasha.

I laughed. Looks like I'm going to fit right in.

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