Chapter Twenty-Two: Assurance

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Pulling into the parking lot, I parked my car and walked into the café. Going towards the counter, I could see all the delicious desserts. Looking up at the board, I ordered a chocolate-mocha latte with whipped cream and a slice of strawberry shortcake. As I walked over to a empty table, I noticed a familiar face. It was Ryder and he was on his laptop.

I walked over to greet him. "Hey Mia," he smiled. "I didn't know you'd be here," I said. "Yeah ever since this place opened, it's been one of my favourite coffee spots," he said. "That's cool," I added. "Hey, why don't you sit with me," he insisted. I sat down and sipped my latte. "Whatcha' working on?" I asked.

"Ah just last minute grading," he added. We continued our conversation until it was time to go. Ryder walked me to my car. "This was great. Maybe we could do it again sometime?" he asked. I hesitated for a moment. "I'm sorry Ryder. I don't think so," I said before heading into my car. "Mia?" he called out. I turned around as Ryder put a cloth to my face. My surroundings went dark.


My Mother has been missing for two weeks. I tried calling her phone, checked her home, nothing. I had my men searching high and low for her, but she was nowhere to be found. "Axel, any word?" I asked, trying not to sound panicked. Axel nodded. "Dominic sent me this video," he said showing me on his desktop. "It shows a strange black vehicle with an unknown license plate was travelling East and then exiting 31North at 2:30am as of last week Sunday," he continued.

I thought for a moment, studying the video clip. "What's close by there?" I asked. Rose typed away on her tablet for locations around the exit point while Natasha looked over her shoulder. "Not much, just seems to be a trail," she said. "The abandoned tunnel," I answered with my hand propped underneath my chin. "You don't actually think she could be there?" asked Natasha.

"I have to try and find her. Only one way to find out," I added.


I woke up finding myself tied to a chair in a cold, dark room. Nothing but walls and a steel door. The room reaked of urine and blood. How long was I here? Distracted by the sound of a rusty deadbolt being pryed open, light shone through the opening of the door. I turned my head away and closed my eyes tightly, trying to block out the brightness of the light.

"Hello Mia," said a familiar voice. It was Ryder. My vision was still blurred. "You don't really know me, but I know you," he continued. With all the strength I had, I began to scream for help. Ryder punched me across the face. I became dizzy. I could taste the blood pouring in my mouth. I spat it out on the ground. "Now, now," he said.

I could feel a slight pinch in my forearm as he injected me with a cold liquid. "What are you doing to me?" I questioned him as I slurred my words. "Nothing, yet," he added. I could feel myself getting tired. Not long after the room went dark.

I was awoken by the sound of yelling. It felt like I've been asleep for hours. I could feel the pain throbbing against my cheek and lip. The taste of iron filled my mouth."LET ME OUT YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!" said a woman screaming from the other side of the wall. Her voice was familiar. It clicked in my head. I called out her name. "Bianca?!" I yelled.

"Who's there??" she called out. "It's me, Mia Salvatore!" I yelled. "Mia?! Oh my god, are you okay?" she replied. "I am Bianca, are you?" I asked. "I've been here for two weeks! That bitch Nina is apart of this scheme!" she said. Oh my God. "Mia? I'm so sorry doubting you about the necklace. I overheard them talking about framing you," she said. I thought for a moment and stayed quiet.

"It's alright Bianca," I called out as my voice cracked. "Don't worry Mia, Mateo will get us out of here," she assured me. Those words made my heart strung, and not in a good way. I was hurting. My head was spinning. Just as I thought I'd forget about anything and everything to do with Mateo, the world just had to involve me again. What do they want with both Mrs. Moretti and I?..


"Dom and Axle, you'll come with me on the way up to the tunnels, the others will follow," I ordered. My phone rang and it was none other than the devil, Luca Salvatore. Why was he calling me? I answered.

-"Mateo, Mia's been missing and it's been almost a week. I heard Bianca is missing also. I believe there's a connection."

Finding out that Mia is missing, made my heart sank. I was speechless. It's been 9 months since I've last seen Mia. I fucking miss her so much. I miss her smile, the way she giggled, her scent, everything about her. "Mateo? Are you there?" he asked. I snapped out of it. "Yeah, I am. I'm guessing who ever took my mother, took Mia too," I said.

"Nico pinged Mia's cell phone from a tower close to 31North. We're on our way up there," he said. My eyes widened. "Luca, stand down. I believe this is my fight. I will search for Mia along with my Mother. I think I know where they are. Oh, and don't worry.. I promise to bring Mia back safe and sound, even if I die trying," I assured him.

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