Chapter Eleven: Tears

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I hated leaving Mia by herself especially with this weird video shit surfacing, but I left her with my best men to watch over her and the company while I'm gone. I pulled out the underground parking lot and seen Cardo on the phone infront of the building with a cigarette in hand. I slowed down and rolled down the window. "I'll be back. I have some shit to deal with," I told him. Cardo nodded.

*ZZZ, ZZZ!* I heard my phone vibrate again, and looked at my messages. It was from my dad. "Meet me at the LA Salt Bay Warehouse." What the fuck? What's he doing at the abandoned warehouse by the docks? I revved my car and sped off. While I was driving, I decided to call Dominic on my Bluetooth.

-"Mateo, what's up?"
"Dom, are you with my father? He said some shit about a deal falling through?"
-"What? What deal? Lorenzo didn't tell me shit bout' no deal."
"Fuck, I'll call you back."
-"Capo? What's goin-"

*call ended*

I tightened my grip on the steering wheel and pressed down on the gas. Somethings not fucking right. I could see the warehouse up ahead. I pulled up at the docks, stepping on the brakes. The tires screeched and I put the car in park. Reaching over, I opened the glove compartment and took out my gun. I loaded the bullets in and removed the safety.

I got out the car and slammed the door behind me. You can smell the freshly burnt tire. I ran towards the warehouse and opened both the doors. As the doors stayed open, I dropped my gun and ran into the empty warehouse with the sound of my foot steps trailing behind me. I dropped to my knees. Infront of me, stood a chair and my father in it. He was tied up and mercilessly beaten. Blood soaked through every inch of his clothing.

My anger turned into raging tears. "DADDD!!!" I screamed as I shook him. No response. His face was completely bloody. I moved his hair away from his forehead, brushing it back. I jumped and fell back towards the ground in horror. A bullet hole. No, no no! He's gone. This can't be happening. I slammed my fists against the cold, concrete warehouse ground. I screamed to the top of my lungs in anger. Getting up from the ground, I ran towards the entrance and grabbed my gun.

"YOU MOTHER FUCKERS! I'LL KILL YOU! KILL YOU ALL!!!" I screamed. I began to aimlessly shoot my gun all over the warehouse. I stumbled towards my father's lifeless body in the chair and collapsed with my head falling toward his chest. The tears began to pour. I restlessly clutched his shirt and cried. Suddenly, I felt something in his shirt pocket. I stopped crying and took out what seem to look like his phone.

Unlocking it, I decided to go through phone. I went into his albums and seen a video. The video showed a masked man who stood beside my father when he was alive in the exact same chair his lifeless body slumped in. In the video, the masked man slowly puts the gun to my father's head. You could see and hear my father begging for his life in the video, until the gun man pulled the trigger. The sound of that gunshot made me slowly closed my eyes as I shed another tear and swallowed hard.

I got up and walked towards the warehouse entrance and out the doors. Parts of my face and hands were covered in blood. I reached in my pocket and grabbed my phone. I seriously needed to pull myself together.

-"What the hell Mateo? You were suppose to call me back!
"I'm sorry Dom. I-I need you to do-"
-"Holy shit, are you okay Mateo?"

The tears of anger kept pouring down my eyes, silently. I used my bloody hand to wipe the them away.

-"Capo? You good?"
"Yeah, I need you to arrange a funeral for me."
-"A funeral?! Who's funeral?! For fuck sakes Mateo, you're not making any sense!"
"Lorenzo, Dominic. My father's dead.."


I looked at my watch and seen that it was time to go home. Looking around, Mateo was no where to be seen. Looks  like he's taking longer than I thought. I packed up my stuff and followed Cardo downstairs, out of the building and towards the car. We got in and began to drive home. While Cardo was driving, his phone began to ring.

"Capo?" he answered the phone to his ear. I could see Cardo looking at me through the rear view mirror. "Okay, we'll be there soon," he said as he hung up. He continued to focus on driving. As we pulled up towards the house, Cardo and I both got out and walked towards the mansion. I looked to my left and seen Mateo's car was parked out front. For some reason, I felt excited. I could feel my heart doing somersaults.

I rushed passed Cardo and pushed the front door open. To my surprise, everyone was standing with their backs towards me. The room felt heavy. They all turned around slowly to face me and moved out the way revealing Mateo, sitting on the marble stairs crouched over with his head down. I scanned him closely. His hands and clothes seemed to be stained with blood.

He looked up at me. His eyes were red as if he seemed to be crying for hours, his hair was rough and he had specks of smudged blood on his face to what it seemed he tried to wipe away. I dropped my bag. "Wh-what happened?!" I exclaimed. I was on the verge of crying. My mother came towards me and grabbed my shoulders for comfort. "Mateo's father was killed, sweetheart," she said in a soft spoken tone.

I froze. I turned my head towards Mateo as our eyes met. The gaze in his eyes looked empty, as if life were never in them to begin with. He looked cold and heartless. I rushed towards him and abruptly hugged him. He broke down and cried. I held him close as he continued to cry. "I'm so sorry Mateo.."

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