Chapter Three: Caught

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As we stepped out the car, Avery and I looked at one another in disbelief. The lineup was huge, but atleast it was moving. We stepped in line and followed the rest. Avery and I finally made it to the front door and when the bouncer finalized our I.Ds, we were able to go on in. "Woah, this place is amazing!" said Avery. "You weren't kidding when you said how gorgeous it was," I said. We made our way around the dancefloor and to the bar.

"First round's on me. What do you want?" she asked. "I'll get a gin and tonic," I replied. As we waited for our drinks, I started to scope the dancefloor. Avery handed me my drink. I leaned my back against the bar and took a sip out of my straw. "Enjoying the night?" said a stranger. I turned to my right. "OH-uh yeah, I just got here," I said. He smirked. "My name's Julian," he said.

I looked at him with his hand extended towards me. "Mia," I replied as I grabbed his hand and shook it. He gripped my hand and brought it up towards his face. "Well Mia, it is very nice to meet you," he said kissing my hand. Avery looked at me and giggled. I pulled my hand away, feeling a bit uncomfortable. Julian looked at me a bit confused. I smiled. "Well Julian, it was nice meeting you, but we're just going to carry on with our girls night," I said.

He smirked. Before he could say anything else, I walked off pulling Avery along with me. "What is wrong with you? He was hot! Honestly the best looking male in this club," said Avery. "I'm sorry Avery, he just- I just don't trust him," I replied. Avery put her fingers at her temples. "You seriously need to trust people. I know your dad has taught you not to trust anyone because you guys are some sort of Mafia Royalty-" she went on before I cut her off, "Shhh! Not here-" as I put my finger to her lips. She brushed it off and continued, "-you need to learn how to date and connect with people like every normal human being."

I sighed. Avery was right. My dad did, indeed told me that I should never trust anyone because he has a lot of enemies, and those enemies know about us, his kids. I'm pretty sure I would've been kidnapped multiple times if I didn't take his words into consideration and I do thank him for that. I know he's trying to protect me, but I've never had a boyfriend before. I want to know what it's like to go out on a date, to be loved by a stranger.

"Hello, earth to Mia?!" said Avery waving her hands. I snapped out of it. "You okay?" she asked. I smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go dance," I suggested. Avery laughed and pulled me on the dancefloor. Suddenly, I felt hands slithered around my waist. Avery couldn't help, but smile. I looked over my shoulder and it was Julian. "Have fun you two!" yelled Avery over the music. Avery danced away from us and seemed to have caught the attention of some random guy.

"You know if you feel uncomfortable you can just let me know," said Julian. I thought about it for a moment, this is probably my chance to have fun just for a night. I turned around and faced him. "I'm fine," I said smiling.



"Damn Luca, you sure have this club rammed," said Cardo. I smirked. "I knew tonight would be a sell out, and this is just the beginning," I said. Dante takes a sip of his scotch while looking out the one-way reflective window. SSSPPHHH! Dante spits his drink out. "The fucks wrong with you Dante?" I asked. "Capo.. MIA," He said pointing out the window. Cardo and Nico looked out the window.

"What the fuck is she doing here?! I thought she's with Avery? AND WHO THE FUCK IS THAT BOY SHE'S DANCING WITH?" I said frustrated. "Notify the bouncers and have them bring her up to me," I continued. "On it," said Dante. I sat back in my chair and downed the rest of my scotch before slamming the glass on the table.


Julian and I drank, talked and danced the night away. Suddenly we heard a bit of commotion. It seemed like the bouncers were trying to get through the crowd. I looked at Julian as he looked at me. His face had changed. "Listen Mia, I gotta go to the bathroom," he said as he drifted away into the crowd. "Wait!-" I called out, but the music was too loud and he had already disappeared. The bouncers then decided to grab my arm. "What the fuck?!-" I shouted.

Avery had a concerning look on her face and seen the bouncers trying to take me, so she followed them. They took us to a part of the club we've never been to. Upstairs it seemed like it was for VIP. We walked down a hall and into a room. The bouncers pushed Avery and I in. "Fuck you!" I yelled, as I threw my straw and drink at them. Avery and I turned around and gasped. It was my father and his men. Our facial expressions changed.

"Oh-uhhh, Uncle Cardo, Uncle Dante and Uncle Nico, what a surprise!" I said clasping my hands together and smiling awkwardly. "What the hell are you doing here Mia?" asked Dad. "I thought you said you were going to be at Avery's house for the night?" he continued. Avery jumped in. "Mr. Salvatore, don't blame Mia for this. I was the one who pressured her to come to this new club," she said.

Dad rubbed his temples. "You girls know better, and especially you Mia. We spoke about this! You know you aren't suppose to go out without one of my men. We AGREED on this," he said. "I know Dad, but I'm sorry. I just needed a breather without having a babysitter! I'm 22 now!" I argued. "And I understand that Mia, but my priority is MY FAMILY and that means keeping you all safe. If your mother knew you were at my club, she'll do my fucking head in," he said.

"Woah this is your club?" asked Avery, shocked. "It is, and again, if her mother knew she was here, she would have a field day with my head," he said. "Well, with all due respect Capo, we have eyes all over this place 24/7," said Dante. "He's right, Luca. It's pretty tight in here, so she's safe. You should be thankful that she came here instead of somewhere else, WITHOUT one of the men watching over her," said Cardo.

Avery and I looked at each other. "I guess you're right, Cardo. Nico can you take Avery and Mia back to Avery's place. I'll speak to you Mia, when you get home tomorrow," said Dad. Nico nodded. Before we walked out of the room, my dad stopped me. "Mia, who the fuck was that boy you were dancing with?" he asked, sternly. My eyes widened. I faked yawned. "Oh would you like at the time- I'm tired Dad, we'll talk about this situation later. Goodnight!" I said as I slammed the door behind him.

"You definitely got your hands full Luca," laughed Cardo.

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