Chapter 3: Tree House Fun

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"So she just said that you guys are geting married and you guys can't back out of this?" Leah asked, for the second time now.

I sighed, "Yes Lee and I'm really trying to work up a plan to stop this marriage from happening."

"Maybe she's right, this arrange marriage can help you guys from hating each other to getting along."

I stopped in my steps, "Don't ever repeat what you just said, ever!"

She giggled, "Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed,"

It so happened I did. Waking up with a huge headache knowing that you fainted for the whole night, plus having your mom talk about you and the Devil getting married isn't to pleasing to hear in the morning, while eating cereal. To top it all off, they didn't even save me a piece of chocolate cake, what a bummer.

We walk to our picnic table and sat down then started eating our lunch. "I can't really think of a way to stop this wedding." I sighed in defeat, placing my hands on my forehead.

"How about you guys fight like you guys never did before. No more verbal but pyshical." Leah suggested

The light bulb went off in my head, "Lee your a genius!! but how am I going to convince Devil to do it?"

Speaking of the Devil

"Alex we need to talk," I heard him say

I turn my head and stared at him like he was a diease. "Sorry but I'm having lunch with my friend. Why don't you go eat with your so called crew," Using finger quotations under "crew".

He rolled his eyes, "Seriously, we really need to talk."

I stood up and faced him with pride, "What if I don't want to talk to you, Andy."

I saw his Jaw clench, both of us knowing he hates being called Andy, by me.

"Or else," He growled

"I'm so scared, I should go cry to my mommy," I dramatically whine just to get him upset.

His face turned beat red and I mean RED!! "I'm going to asked you again, can we talk?!?!" scream at me

Everybody outside on the courtyard was now paying attention to our fight. Even the people inside the cafeteria were looking out the window. My big mouth and I just had to say;

"Come on Andy, you must control your anger." In a Brittish accent.

I don't think his face could of gotten any redder, but it did. I guess I know how to press the right buttons to set off the Devil apocalypse.

"That's it,"

I was about to say another sly remark when I was lifted off the ground and flipped over his shoulder, "What in the fuckery are you doing?!?!" I screech out.

"I said or else and you asked for it!" He huffed

"For your infomation I didn't asked for anything!!"

I looked up and see that Leah had a "what is he doing?" look.

"I'll text you!" I yelled at her.

She nodded her head, grabbed her belongs and some of mine and started heading off to class.

"So where are you taking me cause I know your mom wouldn't like you skipping school just to carry me around, would she?"

Just then I fell on top of a soft cushion chair. Guessing I'm in his car. "Can you please shut up? will yah?"

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