AlexFinally at last, winter break has arrived and I couldn't be any happier. Alec is back, no school for two weeks and I get to plan my own New Years party, all thanks to my parents!
But then theirs the down side to this holiday; Seeing Andrew. Now since Alec came home and the whole incident, he's been acting pretty quiet and distance.
I know what you guys are wondering; Should I be jumping for joy? Well not reallly...
The last couple of weeks, we have been nothing but distance from each other. It was hard for anybody to make up a rumor about us or make the last two weeks exciting. The principal called us down, thinking we had a family issue that was effecting our "Grades".
My grades were tippy-top shape, I don't know about Andrew but I knew for sure that the principal was just missing our presence in the office.
Coming back to now, where I am sleeping so soundly in my warm, fluffy bed with Mr.Fluffy. You can see that I enjoy a lot of things fluffy.
I was having a wonderful sleep until I heard noise. Noise?!
Then my door slammed open with pots and pans banging like crazy.
Haha that's what she said...
Hearing another bang, brought me back to my senses. I lifted up my blankets to see Alec having two pots in each hand with a goofy smile on, Still in his pajamma's. Why on earth is he making all this racket in the morning?
I looked over at my alarm clock and see it's 6:15 IN THE MORNING! I am going to hurt somebody and it won't be Andrew this time. Giving Alec my best dealth glare, "What is this all for? If you have big news you could of waited another 4 more hours?!"
He stopped playing and paused, "You feeling okay? Did you have to much to drink last night?" He then put his hand over my forehead with a worried expression on his face.
I smacked his hand away and glared, "I'm fine!! I just want to know why a jacka*s would come in my room, at this time in the morning to wake me up with freaking pots and pans?!"
Alec shook his head and picked up his pots off my floor, "Man, the older you get the more you forget about things," He open my door and looked down, "By the way... Merry Christmas." And left
Suddenly it hit me; Today is December 25th, today's Christmas.
I could help but scream. How could I forget my favourite holiday!! Thats like cookie monster forgeting he had cookies in a jar.... Which thats never.
flinging on my whool sweater, I ran down the stairs and see everybody in their pajamma's infront of the big Christmas tree we got all the way up north. Took along time to tie it up there, that's for sure! I walked into the living room and screamed, "MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!!"
They all looked at me and grinned, "Merry Christmas Alex!!"
I walked over and sat down in front of the christmas tree. The tree didn't look half bad! Alec, Andrew, and I decorated the tree and it took forever!! With everybody arguing, you can't get anything done, expectally when you have a mother who loves all of her kids bonding, even though we never bond "properly"
After untying the tree off of dad's car and bringing it in took A LOT of work!!
"Guys that took a lot of work to bring the tree in. All my energy for the week is gone!!" I plopped down on the couch and closed my eyes of tiredness.

Arranged Marriage to The Devil
Teen FictionHow would you feel if your parents forced you to get married after the age of 18? With the guy you absolutely despise? Would you allow your parents to plan the wedding? Or find a possible way of trying to escape the agreement? Join Alexandra on...