AlexStaying over at Andrew's is not fun.
Having his parents not here either, is not fun. I couldn't call Ally to asked her to come over cause she has this date with some random guy.
Andrew was upstairs taking a shower and I was down stairs watching the Lastest Glee episode, which I wasn't to interested in.
I took my phone out and started scrowling through my news feed. I liked some pictures and commented on some, etc.
I could be at home, having a dance party and dancing to random music on my IPod.
Just then I heard foots steps coming down the stairs. I look over the couch and see Andrew in Plaid pajama pants and no shirt on, showing his tan skin that looks like he putted on lotion, since it's shining in the light--
"Enjoying the view, Mrs??"
I snapped out of my trance, "No, I was thinking of what I was going to eat."
I jumped over the couch walked passed Andrew and opened the junk food cupboard. Their was; cookies, chips, pop, candy and much more.
I grabbed a box of chocolate chip cookies, can of root beer and packages of chocolate and headed over to the couch.
I felt someone's eyes on me, I turned around and see Andrew with his mouth wide open, "You're going to eat all that?!"
I nod my head slowly and began opening the box of cookies, "If you keep your mouth open, a d*ck might fly right in."
I then heard a popping sound and foots steps coming towards the couch. His shadow appeared right beside me. "What in the world are you watching?"
"Shh I'm watching Glee!!" I snapped
"It's Gay, that's what."
I turned my head to him and glared, "For your infomation, it's not Gay. Calling something or someone gay is being mean. You shouldn't do that; it's like people saying you can't play basketball or you can't fuck."
He stiffen beside me, "You can't say any of that. I never fucked you and never will,"
"It was a example and I'm glad!! Never was interested,"
Duh hell?!
"Anyways, I don't have to worry about this sing-along show. We're watching Scary movie 3."
I froze, he know's how I am with horrer films. I don't. Like. Them.
He put the DVD in and The previews started playing. I already feel myself shaking, how am I suppose to last through the whole movie?! Should have brought Fluffy....
Hello? Anybody there??" A girl said in the movie
"You stupid b*tch!! Go back!!" Andrew yelled at the TV
I was to busy shaking like a chihuahua on the other side of the couch.
"Awe Alex, do you need a person to cuddle with??" Andrew said with sarcasm dripping from his voice.
I shook my head, to scared to say anything. I might actaully take him on that offer, even though he was being sarcastic.
Just then the girl gotten stabbed by a knife and that got me right there. I didn't know how I ended up curled up in Andrew's shoulder; but I did.

Arranged Marriage to The Devil
Teen FictionHow would you feel if your parents forced you to get married after the age of 18? With the guy you absolutely despise? Would you allow your parents to plan the wedding? Or find a possible way of trying to escape the agreement? Join Alexandra on...