Can you hear silence? Well in the principal office you can. Why am I in the principal office you may ask?
I have no idea
I look over at Andrew "Did you pull a prank without consulting me and Mr.Clarke thinks it's the both of us?" I asked Andrew
He put his hands up in defense, "I been good, I swear! I think this is the longest time I haven't been in here,"
Since our "confession" over the weekend, a lot change but not that much for people to notice. We hang out more than usual, we greet each other through out the hall but don't get me wrong; we still bicker and fight constantly. Mom thought that would have disappeared.
I haven't seen Eric since the Police Incident, he must be leaving Andrew and I alone..
Both of our mothers are still talking about us getting married which I would like to put an end to it. Andrew gladly agrees. I just have been slacking with my mastermind to stop the wedding.
Just then the door slam open. My body tense up to the sound of Mr.Clarke's shoes on the wooden floor, Mr. Clarke sat down at his desk and looked between the both of us. "Do you know why I called you both down to my office?" He asked.
"I seriously don't get why principals say that?! Like we are actually in trouble," Andrew commented, "I know we haven't done anything wrong for the past few months. What seems to be the problem?"
Andrew and Mr.Clarke have a close relationship as you can see... Since the first year of highschool Andrew has been nothing but trouble, It's to the point where most of his friends are the police officers. Most of his community hours was helping out at the station. Mary knows me because I been there countless of times to bail him out without our parents consent. I sometimes wonder if they ever check their bank accounts. I snapped out of my daze and looked between Mr.Clarke and Andrew.
Mr.Clarke face soften, "That's my problem; you guys haven't been getting into any trouble and I wanted to make sure you guys weren't up to something,"
Andrew and I looked at each other and shook our heads, "Nope," We both chimed in at the same time.
Mr.Clarke looked between us and formed a smile on his face, "Are you guys.... Together?"
I couldn't help but start laughing, Andrew joined in with me. I couldn't believe that our principal thought we were actually together; come on!! Andrew?? He is so not my type at all. We known each other since birth, he's basically my evil brother that I never wanted.
I stood up from my seat and dust off my pants, "I understand your concern Mr.Clarke but Andrew and I are not dating,"
Andrew scoffed, "Clearly,"
"We just formed truce between us and I think those days are coming to an end," I told Mr. Clarke with disappointment.
Andrew looked up at me, "You sound disappointed," His mouth formed a smirk. He knowing why I was disappointed
"I'm not," I snapped. Although I'm lying,"I am quite content about us"
Andrew stood up, "Why do you say that? It's not like you won," Andrew said, he crossed him arms in front of his chest showing his muscles. I have to say; even though I don't like or will never have feelings for him but he is somewhat attractive. I kind of get how all these girls want to--
Wait. What am I saying?!?! I should be thinking Andrew's gross
Haha no you don't
Yes I do and who the hell is this?!

Arranged Marriage to The Devil
Teen FictionHow would you feel if your parents forced you to get married after the age of 18? With the guy you absolutely despise? Would you allow your parents to plan the wedding? Or find a possible way of trying to escape the agreement? Join Alexandra on...