Alex"Your an idiot I tell you? You shouldn't have been speeding on the highway, you know the police check the highway every ten minutes but no! Little Andrew thought it was cool to play hot wheels in real life!!" I hollered out from the chair.
I swear these police chairs are very uncomfterable. The police officer nod her head towards me somehow for me to understand I was next. I sat up and put on this name tag with my jail code, first name, and last name.
"Turn," She said so she can take a picture of the side of my face.
"What if I don't want to turn? Maybe I want to stand here and belt out United States of America's Anthem huh?" I have a little problems with authorizes, epecailly when I'm on my period. Of course it had to start today.
"Ma'me you can sing all you want and after you take these pictures." The women said with a smirk, If I wasn't here in this stupid Police station or that b*tch wasn't a police officer, I would kick her a*s right now.
"Can you please listen to her? I have somewhere to go," Andrew said from the jail cell.
"You have somewhere to go?!" I scoffed, "Please, we would of been there if you weren't trying to make a parody of Fast and the Furious. WE could of been at the hotel by now."
So I'm bringing you guys in at the wrong time. Let's go back... How about, 24 hours ago when little Jacka*ss over here had to go to his championship game in New York...
We were in late October and getting ready for the harsh cold to arrive. Orange-brownish leaves falling from the trees and the gush of cold wind flowing we get every so often. I bundle up my coat then turn on my car and head home to get a nice cup of tea.
Once I reaching the house, I see my parents bringing out small suite cases outside to their car. Where they going now? Better not be Hawaii because believe me they're not leaving me here in Pennsylvania. It's to cold to be here.
I get out of the car and drop my bag inside, "Where are you guys going??" I yelled out
Dad brings down mom's suite case and her purse. "We are going on a road trip to New York. For Andrew's game,"
I smiled. No Andrew for a whole week?! God must love me right now and I sure love him too. "So I have the house to myself for the week? Or am I staying at Leah's for the week with her parents?"
He put down mom stuff and sighed, "Not exactly, you're coming with us."
The blood from my body turned cold, "What do you mean I have to go to Andrew's championship game? I know they're gonna win, he's gonna shove it all in my face. Why can't I wait at home where it's warmer here than New York?"
"Because you need to be there to cheer him on. The coach is inviting three board of directors from differen't schools from parts of North America to watch students who has the potenial of getting a scholarship," Mom explained while coming down the stairs
I glance at mom unamused, "I care because.."
"I think we should all be there to support him." Mom pick up her purse off from her suit case "so I want you to go upstairs and pack your bags and will be leaving in ten minutes. I'll put some tea and coffee on while you pack."
I muttered some words while going up the stairs-- No! Stomping up the stairs. This is so unfair! I don't want to sit down all day and watch Andrew play Basketball, I don't play the sport. Heck! I don't even understand the sport either. Taking out my suite case, I started packing a week worth of clothing and other things I'm going to need while I am staying in New York.

Arranged Marriage to The Devil
Teen FictionHow would you feel if your parents forced you to get married after the age of 18? With the guy you absolutely despise? Would you allow your parents to plan the wedding? Or find a possible way of trying to escape the agreement? Join Alexandra on...