Chapter 19: Second Chance

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Sunday arrived and also a day after the police incident.

I have been ignoring both Eric and Andrews text messages. Yes Andrew was also texting me! One of Andrews messages said:

Hey, wanna hang out with me and Alec? We're bored

Then two hours later he texted me:

Okay scratch that, do you wanna hang out with me? Alec had to go into work for the afternoon and I'm all alone... Answer me!

Ten minutes later...

Okay, I'm sorry about yesterday. It was my fault and I was angry over something stupid. Please forgive me? I bought chocolate chip cookies and I wanna use it as truce?

I think the cookies convince me because not a few minutes later I was in front of his door, debating if I should knock on the door or not.

"You do know that you could just open the door right? It's not the first time you been here,"

I jump to the sound of Andrew's voice,  Andrew lean against the house. "What are you working on??" I asked.

He looked towards his motorcycle and shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing, just finish doing a oil change but you and I need to talk,"

His eyes showed a serious look that I never seen before. I couldn't put words together but instead just nodded my head. He put down his tools and started walking towards the front door. I hate to admit but I'm nervous, never once Andrew wanted to talk to me and wanting it to be serious.

We walked into the living room and sat down on the couch, giving us lots of space between us.

He gaze down at his hands, "I want to appologies... for everything,"

I shyly looked towards him noticing he still had his eyes gazing directly at his hands.

"I been up all night thinking about how I treated you like crap for all these years, all I wanted was to be popular and become on top. Throughout my progress of becoming popular.. I forgot to bring you with me," He looked at me with sincere in his eyes.

"We wouldn't be having this stupid  arrange wedding happening if I didn't push you away and I want to appologies for that. You may not believe me now but I hope you do later on. Because after the whole police incident.. I realize how much I was hurting you."

Tears were in his eyes now and I didn't realize I was crying also. "Andrew... You hurt me so much throughout the years, I thought it was my fault."

Tears were flowing down my cheek, the memories from the sixth grade until now. Nights of crying to sleep came flooding back, having Leah sit there quietly supporting me throughout it all. I felt two strong arms around me when I realize it was Andrew. I rested my head on his chest and just cried.

"I'm so sorry," Andrew whispered.

I couldn't put my head to it; why was he saying sorry? Just yesterday he was the Andrew that I was angry with, and now he is the Andrew from childhood, my Andy.

After awhile of us sitting together, I cleared my throat and looked up at Andrew, "So what happen to those chocolate chip cookies?"


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