Chapter 29: Birthday Crash

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** DISCLAIMER: This chapter involves offensive words towards the LGBT community, read at your own risk but if you would like to skip the chapter you can! - Cece **


Today is the day I finally turn 18!

I'm excited. My heart is pumping, my hands are shaky but it's all worth it.

I was putting on my make up when I heard sniffles coming from my bedroom door. I looked over and saw mom swelling with tears and a tissue in her hand. "My baby is grown up!" She blew her nose loudly with the Kleenex in her hand. "I remember when you were six months old. Barely talking.." she began to whimper her tears.

"Mom," I whined, "Calm down. I'm just turning 18, I'm not moving out!"

" You will soon for school Alex," she cried.

I wonder how she's going to be like when I move out?

I went back to my seat and finish putting on my make up. "Let's not talk about it now. Let's talk about the party you planned for me?"

Mom knew I was changing the subject but went along anyways. "Andrew actually planned the party. Along the help with Leah. It's being hosted at the Carter's. Alec and Savannah will be supervising,"

I smiled; mom believes that Alec is a "good boy" and does absolutely no drugs or alcohol, just focus on his work. I on the other hand, have experience Alec chugging down three litres of alcohol and not throw up. He's a party animal when he wants to be.

"Are you even listening to me?"

I looked over at my mom, who had her arms crossed, "Yes?"

She shook her head with disappointment. "We'll be leaving now. No fires, hooks up or alcohol okay?"

"Don't worry mom, no alcohol substance will be there," I lied

A few minutes later Leah came inside my room, grinning from ear to ear. "I can't wait for tonight!!" She beamed and then sat down on the corner of my bed.

I chuckled, "Me neither, so is your mystery boyfriend there?" I teasingly asked her, while wiggling my eyebrows.

Her cheeks turned red. She grabbed a piece of her hair and started twirling it. "Yes.." She mumbled.

Leah's been dating this boy for over 6 months and won't tell me the guy! She always use the excuses: "You'll hate me for it!" Or "We haven't told anyone. We're not ready,"

She ditch me countless of times to be with this mystery guy and I haven't met him yet. I don't know his name, or what he looks like and I'm suppose to give the best friend approval? No thanks!

I look at myself in the mirror, "Well I'll be seeing him today when I find you guys together,"

She rolled her eyes but fidget a bit. "Fine but enough about me, have you talked to Andrew since the Gala,"

I nodded my head, "Yeah, I just haven't talked to him about the kiss.." I muttered the last part hoping Leah will leave it alone

"YOU GUYS KISSED?!" Leah yelled from her spot.

I made a hushing sound towards Leah, "Oh hush you! If my mom hears you we're all in trouble!"

If mom ever found out I kissed Andrew Carter? My enemy since the age of eight?

Well I'm not sure if he is really my enemy any more. We been getting along, sharing a few kisses...

My phone made a dinging sound.
I grabbed my phone off the charger and notice that Andrew texted me,

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