Chapter 24: Cake Tasting

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We are in the month of March and you know what that means; NBA March Madness.
And also Alex's Birthday of course.

"It's okay man, planning Alex's surprise party is a great idea! She'll love it." Andre tried to cheer me up.

Okay, now you guys are wondering why I'm planning Alex's Birthday party?

Well Aunt Lauren thinks it is a great idea for me to invite the whole school to her party and not tell her about it. Which we all know Alex hates surprises.

"I don't know Andre, she hates surprises." I mumbled

He hit my arm lightly, "Chill! You're so worried. She'll be fine,"

Ever since we became closer I feel different around her, like I never did before.

I wonder if I have feelings for her.

"You do,"

Glancing over at Andre I said, "Wait what do you mean?"

"You just told me that you have been acting strange around her and you think you like her. I'm just saying you do." Andre explained.

I shook my head, I thought I said that in my thoughts? "Well, I know that I don't like her," I said

He sighed, "Think of it this way, the more you deny the more feelings will grow. So truly mean what you say." Then he walked away from his locker

Don't you hate when your friends are right?

I know I do.

Small hands touched my arm. I turned around to see Alex standing there, "Sorry if I was bothering you," she said softly

I shook my head, "No it's fine, what's up?"

"Mom wanted to go cake testing today and I don't think Your mom told you by the face you're giving me," she chuckled

The only thing I like about this stupid wedding is that I get to try food and go cake testing. Who can say no to food! "She didn't tell me but hell yeah I am up for it! I can't wait to taste some cake," I cheered while walking out of the school.

"Hold on, mom already given me the address so we can meet her there so--"

I slung arm with her arm, "Then what are we waiting for?! let's go!" I hurried out of the school when Alex stopped me

"You have to drive your car to my house," she told me while trying to hold on her laugh

"Ah nope," I said while popping the 'p' "I drove with Andre this morning, remember my car is in the garage?"

"Right" she said to herself.

I sat down in her car and waited excitedly for Alex to get in. "Why are you so excited?? It's just cake,"

I glanced over at Alex, "Just cake? I hope you know that cakes are my favourite desserts," I told her.

She smiled, "I know, that's all you eat! I'm surprise you're not fat," she remarked.

Putting my hands to my chest I gasp, "How could you treat a friend like that!! calling them fat. how rude,"

"Hey! I didn't call you fat, I'm just surprise you're not." she said then let out a small giggle.

My stomach turned, I must be hungry, "Where is this bakery?" I asked

"Well," she took out her phone and then looked up, "Keep on going straight then make a left turn and it's right there,"

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