Chapter 8:Unique New York

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Opening my eyes, I woke up to the sound of cars and people yelling for their taxi. I'm in New York baby!!

I always wanted to say that. I couldn't wait to explore New York, it's been on my list to come here and explore New York the way I want to; Not in the winter time but still, I'm here and I'm going to have fun! I couldn't wait to see the Empire State building or the Statue of Liberty. Also taste Lombradi's pizza, I heard it's amazing!

I lifted up the blanket and slid my way out of bed-- "Urg!!" I couldn't get up. Glancing down to my waist, I see Andrew's tan arms wrapped around me.

What happened last night? We didn't sleep together right? Well my clothes are on so we didn't do it...

I tried to remember how we came to the hotel until everything was coming back to me; the road trip, police station and falling asleep WITHOUT Andrew's arm around me.

I tried to bring his arm away from me, but his arm tighten more, "Andrew, get up!" I yelled in his ear. No movement. Slapping him across the face multiple times. Nada.

This kid can sleep! An idea came to mind and I know it isn't smart but hey, I want to get out and explore the streets of New York. I turned around that I was facing a sleeping Andrew. He looks so Innocent, wait until I wake him up, we're in for a treat.

I leaned over and started nibbling on his earlobe, he moaned. Great, that's one of his sensitive spot! Didn't want to incounter one of those.

"What are you doing?!" Andrew groaned. I brushed my lips over his ear. His hands move down to my waist and tighten his grip, "What did I do now?" He mumbled

I shrugged my shoulders, "Nothing, just wanted to see your reaction and to wake you up," I whispered in his ear. I lifted up my body but was pulled down to Andrew's chest. I stared into his eyes, that was flaming with lust. "How did you know that was my soft spot?" He said, he swiftly glance down at my lips then back into my eyes, "No girl has ever found that," He whispered, while his fingers were drawing small circle's on my back.

"I don't know, I thought doing that was going to wake you up and be mad at me... Never mind that," I lifted myself up, climbed off Andrew and bend down to grabbed my suite case. I could feel Andrew's eyes staring at my behind. "Take a picture it last longer."

"Already did" He said

I looked over and see Andrew with his phone in his hand. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my; Toiletry bag, ripped jeans, hoodie and my straightener, towel and walked into the bathroom. I turned around and faced Andrew, "By the way, we're exploring New York. So get dress,"

He looked up from his phone and groaned, "I need to rest for the game tomorrow,"

I tilted my head to the side and did my best pouty face, "Pwease Andy-boo. I only been to New York once," He was trying to stand guard but his eyes were giving in; Nobody can stand by from my pouting. He dropped his phone to the side of the bed, "Fine, but your paying for breakfast AND lunch,"

I smiled, "Deal" and closed the bathroom door behind me and started my shower.



"Enough!! I swear you can't sing a living soul or even get the words right, just shut up!!" Andrew growled, somebody's time of the month.

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