Not Me

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Kim Sunoo's POV

Both Jungwon and I sat down on one of the vacant seats in our cafeteria with our drinks. I decided to talk to him about the message.

"I swear! I did not do anything" Jungwon said, sounding defensive, raising both his hands into a surrender.

"What do you mean it's not you? You were the one who also set me up with this one guy when we were still juniors" I said, not believing him.

"Okay fine, whatever you are just blaming me for, I have my reason for doing it" Jungwon sighed and looked at me seriously

"Just don't, you know.., block him" Jungwon chuckled and smiled nervously

"Ahh, it's a him?" I was suddenly interested

Jungwon just nodded as I gave him a suspicious look.

"So, are you going to keep talking to him?" Jungwon broke the silence between us.

"Hmm, I guess?" I shrugged, hesitating on saying something

"But you know, there is actually something going on, like, I am getting these dreams..." I said, trying to explain something with my hands

I saw Jungwon suddenly raising his head up

"Oh? What kind of dreams?" He went closer to listen

"I don't know, it's as if, ahh I can't explain it, Won! But he? Makes me feel things, do you think I am just lonely?" I opened up

"Mmm, do you remember anything from the dream though?" He asks

"I think we are friends, well, very good friends?" I assumed

"Maybe a boyfriend?" he suddenly says which startled me

"Yah! What boyfriend? I don't want one" I crossed my arms in front of my chest

"Sunoo hyung, come on, you can't just keep things like these to yourself" he held my hand from across

"Hmm, I—, maybe I am just finding someone to love me? I don't know..., dreams are signs, right?" I asked, unsure of the words coming from my mouth

"We were literally just talking about the person who texted you, now you're saying things like this, ahh... did the person from the other line remind you of it?" Jungwon suddenly says, which actually made sense as to why I brought the topic up.

"Take a look at this" I opened my phone and went to the messaging app to show him the conversation we had earlier about the lunch

Jungwon's eyes went wide, I feel so curious what is actually running in his mind right now.

"Uhm hyung?" Jungwon chuckled, "that's uhm, that's actually sweet, you don't wanna grab the food pack down at the field?" He asked, avoiding my eye contact

"Are you for real trusting this person?" I asked, withdrawing my phone from his sight

"I mean, I know him, he ain't a stranger to me, hyung" he shrugged and sipped from his drink

"Should I trust this person?" I asked myself, looking away from Jungwon

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